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2024.12.31 16:04




重复 2024.5.26



主题:一块刻有猛犸象图案的贝壳挂坠是否为古代美洲原住民的真品,还是 Cresson 所伪造的赝品。

1. 挂坠上刻的猛犸象纹路与其他古代猛犸象刻纹相似(stylistic similarity),这支持挂坠的古代起源。

1. 尽管有相似性,但挂坠与法国发现的一件古董的猛犸象刻纹相似度过高,很可能是 1:1 仿造的。而且那个法国所发现的古董的猛犸象本身就缺少一只脚,而这个挂坠也缺少了一只脚,但实际上他们有雕刻这个角落的空间。

2. Cresson 声称挂坠与其他由美洲原住民制造的真正古老物品一起被发现,包括石器和箭头。如果挂坠是与真正的古老物品一起发现的,那么这个雕刻本身很可能也是真品。

2. 虽然挂坠与其他古董一起被发现,但这个挂坠应该是有几千年的历史,而其他的古董只有几百年的历史。

  3. 挂坠具有统一的侵蚀(weathering)痕迹。侵蚀是由于长期暴露于水、土壤化学物质和其他环境因素造成的古老物品的损伤。如果有人通过在一块旧贝壳上雕刻猛犸象图像来制造现代赝品,雕刻将显示出很少的侵蚀。而贝壳的其余表面将会高度侵蚀。但情况并非如此——雕刻和贝壳整体显示出相同程度的侵蚀,这表明雕刻和贝壳都来自同一个古老的时期。

3. 理论上来说,这个挂坠已经被埋了几千年的时间,如果真的被埋了几千年的话,那么磨损程度应该更高,甚至雕刻应该都看不到了。但现在分化程度并没有达到这个程度,所以更有可能是赝品。


  重复 2024.5.26

  Your professor is teaching a class on sociology. Write a post responding to the professor's question.

  In your response, you should

  express and support your personal opinion

  make a contribution to the discussion in your own words

  An effective response will contain at least 100 words. You have ten minutes to write.

  Doctor Achebe: In recent years, there has been a significant integration of advanced machines and artificial intelligence (AI) into our daily lives and work environments. I would like you to reflect on the following question: Should we extend the same level of politeness and respect to AI and machines as we do to humans? Please provide your reasoning and discuss the potential consequences of adopting such an approach.

  Andrew: AI and robots play an integral role in our lives, assisting us in various tasks and making our lives easier. By treating them with respect, we not only acknowledge their contributions but also reflect positively on our own character. It's a small gesture that upholds our humanity and sets a standard for ethical interaction with technology.

  Claire: I think we don't need to treat AI and robots with the same politeness as we do humans. They are tools designed to assist us, and it's important to maintain that distinction. We should set clear guidelines and boundaries for their use to ensure they serve us effectively without overstepping their roles


  While AI and machines do not possess feelings or emotions, from my perspective, extending politeness and respect to them may seem necessary since it can serve as a valuable educational tool. Primarily, when we show respect and politeness to AI and machines, we model good behavior for children and young people who are growing up in an increasingly digital world. This means that the way we treat AI could serve as a practical demonstration of how we should treat each other. For instance, my cousin Zoe regularly says “please” and “thank you” to her AI assistant, Siri. This has translated into her everyday interactions, leading her to be consistently polite and respectful with her peers and adults. However, adopting such an approach is not without its risks. If we start treating AI with the same respect as humans, we might begin to over-rely on them, even for decisions that should ideally involve human judgment and emotional intelligence. Nevertheless, the potential benefits of demonstrating respect and politeness to AI, particularly as a model of behavior for the younger generation, suggest that it may be a worthwhile approach to consider.



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