2024.12.31 15:45
Task 1 【教育】
Universities frequently employ graduate students to help with university classes. Some people think that graduate students should be able to teach lower-level classes in their fields of specialization. Others think that graduate students should only tutor students or help professors grade papers but not have full responsibility for teaching a class. Which view do you agree with? Explain why.
【重复 2019 年 12 月 7 日原题】
Sample Answer
Well, personally, I think graduate students should be allowed to teach lower-level courses. Because they can teach more effectively. I mean, they have already taken those entry level courses, so graduates can have a better understanding of the problems freshmen might encounter. In that case, they can give useful information like how to take notes, or the best way to study for exams.In addition, students can be more actively involved in the classes taught by graduates. Because professors who have been teaching the same subject for 20 years are tired of it by now and maybe not very enthusiastic. Instead, if it’s the first time or second time someone is teaching a class, well, it’s going to be more exciting to them. And graduate students are going to communicate that excitement to the students.
TASK 2 【学校计划】
Reading(Letter): Expand the Bicycle
Program (大学启动了一个自行车租赁项目,学生可以在校园内租用自行车骑行。由于该项目非常受欢迎,常常没有足够的自行车可供租用。)
Point 1:建议大学购买更多的自行车,允许更多的学生享受这个计划,同时也可以让学校对一些旧自行车进行维护。
Point 2:由于学校不希望自行车在维修期间不可用,通常一些小问题得不到解决。如果自行车的总数更多,这就不会成为问题了。
Conversation: Woman Disagrees
(W: I'm not crazy about this idea.)
Reason 1: 校园里的自行车已经够多了,很多学生都有自己的自行车,加上大学的租赁自行车,校园里自行车数量过多,行走时不方便。
Reason 2: 女生认为校园里已经没有更多的空间容纳更多的自行车。女生还提到,旧自行车的问题不在于没有时间修理,而是缺乏有技能的人进行修理。她建议应该培训更多有修理技能的员工或学生志愿者,以便及时修理现有的自行车。
TASK 3 【古生物】
Reading: Indirect Mutualism(间接互惠关系)
定义:间接互惠关系指的是一种通过间接方式实现的互惠关系,其中一个物种通过捕食栖息地中的其他生物来保护另一个物种。(Sometimes, however, these benefits are not the result of a direct interaction between both species.)
例子: crab and seaweed(螃蟹和海藻)
TASK 4 【历史】
Lecture 题材:Business(商业)
主题: How ethics can affect the kinds of products a store sells.(伦理如何影响商店销售的产品种类)
Kind 1: 商店可能决定不销售对人们健康长期有害的产品。即使人们想购买这些产品,如果商店觉得这些产品的成分可能对健康有害,他们可能会选择不销售。
例子:toy stores
Kind 2: 一些产品使用了大量的能源或资源,对环境产生负面影响。因此,商店可能决定只销售那些对环境更友好的产品,以便鼓励人们购买这些产品,从而对环境产生积极影响。
例子:light bulbs