Notre-Dame Cathedral reopened after five years of restoration 巴黎圣母院经过五年修缮后重新开放
Notre-Dame Cathedral reopened after five years of restoration
More than five years after Notre-Dame Cathedral caught fire, it has risen from the ashes and been transformed into a spectacular sight.
The results of the renovation, which cost £582m, had until recently been a closely-guarded secret. Only a few images capturing the progress of the building work has been released over the last few years.
这次翻修共花费了 5.82 亿英镑,而其呈现的结果直到近期都被严格保密。在过去数年中,只有几张拍摄到修缮工作进度的照片被公布。
On the evening of 15 April 2019, viewers around the world watched aghast as orange flames spread along the roof of the cathedral. Then, at the height of the fire, the 19th Century spire crashed to the ground.
2019 年 4 月 15 日晚,全球的观众在直播中惊骇地看着橙色的火焰在大教堂的屋顶上蔓延开来。紧接着,在火势最猛烈的时候,建于 19 世纪的巴黎圣母院尖顶轰然倒塌。
Now, from the spire to the stained glass, it has been completely transformed. It is not just a renovation after the fire, but a complete overhaul including removing decades of crud and soot built up since the last restoration.