Climate change affects longest-lasting snow patch in the UK
2024.11.15 10:24


Climate change affects longest-lasting snow patch in the UK 气候变化令英国司芬克斯雪区连续数年融化消失


Climate change affects longest-lasting snow patch in the UK



Iain Cameron, Snow Patch Researcher
伊恩·卡梅隆    雪区研究者

"Garbh Choire Mor, where the Sphinx is located, is the most isolated corrie in the Cairngorms."

“司芬克斯(Sphinx)雪区所在的加拉科尔摩尔(Garbh Choire Mor)是苏格兰凯恩戈姆山脉中最与世隔绝的冰斗。”

"For the uninitiated, it can be a tricky place to deal with getting to."


"To start off with we have a six-mile bike journey."


"Then we deposit the bikes and we go up about 2,000 foot climb up the side of Braeriach, onto the Braeriach plateau. And, from there it's about another mile and a half across the plateau, and then we drop into quite a steep gully using a little bit of rope, which drops us down into the corrie. So, it's a bit of an expedition to get here. That's for sure."

“把自行车安顿好之后,我们需要从布雷里亚赫(Braeriach)山的一面向上攀登两千英尺,抵达布雷里亚赫高原。然后,我们需要继续走大约 1.5 英里,穿过高原,再用一些绳子从一处陡峭的冲沟降下去,从而下降到这个冰斗中。来到这可以称得上是一次探险了,这点毫无疑问。”

"Oh wow. We're literally just in the nick of time. The Sphinx is tiny. I wasn't sure actually it was still going to be here, but… it is, but barely – and it's not going to last past probably midnight tonight."


"This is the patch of snow that historically speaking was known to endure through decades and decades, even hundreds of years without melting."


"1933 was the first time it melted, and then again in 1959, so 26 years later. What we have seen in the last ten years is unprecedented. So, it disappeared in 2017, 2018, 2021, 2022, 2023. And 2024, this is what's left."

“它的首次融化是在 1933 年,然后是 1959 年,中间间隔了 26 年。我们在过去十年中见证了前所未有的变化。它在 2017、2018、2021、2022 和 2023 年都曾消失过。现在是 2024 年,这是它仅剩的部分了。”

"The direction of travel is obvious."


"The Sphinx is no longer persisting – anything like the way it used to do."


"This is really significant because it is the place that has been monitored the longest."


"I'm not a climatologist. In fact, I'm not even an academic. I do this as, I would classify as, 'citizen science'. So, me and people like me, will go out. We'll record it, and we'll write about it for the Royal Meteorological Society."

“我不是气候学家。其实我都不能算是一位学者。用我的话来说,我在从事 '民间科学研究'。我和许多像我一样的人会走出门去。我们会记录这些现象,然后为英国皇家气象协会撰稿介绍我们所观察到的情况。”

"It's like coming to see an old relative, you know."


"You hope that when you get over the hill, it's going to be in good nick and a fair size, but inevitably, more and more you're actually quite sad because it's generally a lot smaller than you hope it would be."


"It seems, at least to me, very clear, that this is a direct, visual impact of what climate change is actually doing."




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