Scotland's historic 'Harry Potter' bridge being repaired
2024.11.22 10:12


Scotland's historic 'Harry Potter' bridge being repaired 因 “哈利·波特” 系列电影而出名的苏格兰高架铁路桥正接受整修


Scotland's historic 'Harry Potter' bridge being repaired

因 “哈利·波特” 系列电影而出名的苏格兰高架铁路桥正接受整修


The Glenfinnan Viaduct is a highly renowned Scottish landmark.


It has been made famous by the Harry Potter film series, attracting hundreds of visitors from around the world each day.

它因 “哈利·波特” 系列电影而出名,每天吸引成百上千名来自全球的游客前来参观。

The 123-year-old structure has been undergoing restoration work while train services continue running as usual.

格伦芬南高架铁路桥有 123 年的历史,对它的修复作业正在火车正常运行的情况下展开。

Laura Craig, Network Rail
"So, managing people has been one of the biggest risks to us. [There've] been two trains most of the summer months running here, two steam trains. Lots of Harry Potter fans, lots of whom [are] just here to see the trains."

劳拉·克雷格     英国铁路网公司
“对人流的管理对我们来说是最大的安全隐患之一。这里有两列火车在夏季月份中大部分的时间里运行,这是两列蒸汽火车。许多 ‘哈利·波特’ 的粉丝们专门到这里看这两列火车。”

Alistair Macleod, Bridge Worker
"We've had a lot of midges, obviously. That was hard for the boys up there, and with the nets you sweat a lot. It is difficult conditions. We've had a lot of tourists, as you can imagine, you know. [We] try to do a good job and just get everything right."

阿利斯泰尔·麦克劳德     高架铁路桥工人

The £3.4m-worth of repairs include improvements to the viaduct's protection against water erosion and the stone ballast underneath.

这次修复工程将花费 340 万英镑,其中包括对高架铁路桥的防水侵蚀性能以及铁路道碴的改善。

Laura Craig, Network Rail
"It's an absolute bucket list job for me to work on a project of this scale in this area. It's not often you'll be able to put Glenfinnan Viaduct on your CV if at all in your career."

劳拉·克雷格     英国铁路网公司



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