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2024.11.29 15:06






  主题:如何阻止一种名为蓝蜥蜴(Blue Iguana)的濒危物种灭绝的困难

  1. 蓝蜥蜴与另一种绿蜥蜴外观相似,而绿蜥蜴是一种入侵物种,对庄稼和植物有害,因此人们可能误杀蓝蜥蜴。(Misidentification)

  1. 通过在蓝蜥蜴头顶绑上红袋子,科学家采取了一种巧妙的方法来避免误伤,这样可以使蓝蜥蜴与绿蜥蜴区分开来。(Distinctive Marking)


  2. 蓝蜥蜴基因缺乏多样性,因为在岛上数量已经很少,导致了近亲繁殖和遗传问题。(Genetic Diversity)

  2. 虽然岛上的蓝蜥蜴数量有限,但从其他国家引进一些蓝蜥蜴,与岛上的进行繁殖,可以增加基因的多样性,减轻近亲繁殖带来的问题。(Introduction of Genetic Diversity)

  3. 保护蓝蜥蜴的工作困难,尤其是在蓝蜥蜴幼年时无法自我保护,长大后仍然容易生病。(Protection Challenges)

  3. 在圈养环境中,科学家可以提供更多的光照和食物,以弥补自然环境中的不足,从而更好地保护蓝蜥蜴,促进其繁殖和生存。(Improved Captive Environment)


  Your professor is teaching a class on education. Write a post responding to the professor’s question.

  In your response, you should

  · express and support your personal opinion

  · make a contribution to the discussion in your own words

  An effective response will contain at least 100 words. You have ten minutes to write.

  Doctor Diaz:

  One traditional method of classroom instruction is lecturing. Lecturing involves the teacher talking about a topic for an extended period of time and expecting students to learn by listening attentively. Today, some educators believe that teachers should limit how much time they spend lecturing and instead teach by encouraging in-class discussions and having students work in groups. However, some teachers still teach primarily by lecturing. Do you believe lecturing is an effective teaching method? Why or why not?


  I believe lecturing can be an extremely effective way for professors to teach if they have strong communication skills. Some of my most memorable classes have been taught by brilliant lecturers who captivated me with their engaging speaking style, ability to explain complex topics clearly, and passion for their subject matter.


  I don't think pure lecturing works well as a teaching method. Without student participation, professors have no way to assess if students actually comprehend the material. Students can easily zone out during long lectures if they are just passively listening. Active learning through discussions, activities, and questions lets students engage with content and teachers identify gaps in understanding.


  While traditional instruction via lecture has long been a cornerstone of education, its efficacy can be called into question in light of various factors. I am convinced that the limitations of lecturing lie in engaging diverse learning styles. Not all students thrive in a lecture-based setting, as individual preferences and cognitive styles vary widely. Visual learners may struggle to comprehend complex ideas without supportive visuals, while kinesthetic learners may find lectures devoid of hands-on activities particularly disengaging. Tailoring instructional methodologies to match individual learning preferences can significantly enhance the learning experience and outcomes. Interactive teaching approaches offer more inclusive and flexible methods, catering to diverse learning needs effectively. To illustrate the limitations of solely relying on lectures, one can observe the unprecedented shift in the education landscape brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. With the sudden transition to remote learning, educators have been compelled to explore innovative instructional strategies, moving away from a heavy reliance on lectures. Online platforms now facilitate virtual classrooms where multimedia resources, interactive quizzes, and real-time discussions intertwine to foster a dynamic learning milieu. This paradigm shift reaffirms the notion that education can flourish through a blend of diverse teaching methodologies, expanding beyond traditional lectures.



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