2024.11.27 17:37
Doctor Diaz: Some argue that factories, as major producers of pollution and waste, should be pushed to make dramatic changes in how they operate in order to protect and preserve the environment. Others contend that it is the small, cumulative actions of individuals that lead to the greatest impact, so public awareness and altered societal norms are most critical. I would like you to consider: who do you believe should make more efforts when it comes to environmental protection—factories or individuals?
Kelly: Factories should take the lead on protecting the environment because their impact is massive compared to individuals. For example, a single factory can generate tons of pollution per day, dwarfing what one person produces in a lifetime. Strict regulations and greener technologies for manufacturers would lead to huge reductions in emissions and waste.
Andrew: Individuals should lead on environmental protection because we can drive cultural change. By making green lifestyle choices—reducing energy, taking public transit, minimizing waste —we set an example and normalize sustainability. And by purchasing eco-products and ethical companies, everyday consumer decisions incentivize businesses to follow suit.
理由 1:工厂污染源头控制:工厂是环境污染的主要源头,通过改进生产工艺和引入环保技术, 能从源头上大幅减少污染物排放,保护生态环境。
理由 2:规模效应显著:相较于个体,工厂在生产过程中减少污染具有更大的规模效应,能更快、更有效地推动环境质量改善。
理由 1:日常行为影响力:个体的日常环保行为,如减少使用一次性塑料、节约用水用电等,虽看似微小,但累积起来能产生巨大的环保效应,推动社会整体环保意识的提升。
理由 2:文化引领与示范:个体通过践行绿色生活方式,能够引领和示范环保文化,影响周围的人,形成积极向上的环保氛围,促进全社会共同参与环保行动。
substantially reduce pollutant emissions at source- 从源头上大幅减少污染物排放
greater scale effect - 更大的规模效应
individual daily environmental behaviors - 个体的日常环保行为
raise overall environmental awareness - 推动社会整体环保意识的提升
lead and demonstrate environmental culture - 引领和示范环保文化