2024.11.27 16:06
Doctor Achebe: Over the next few weeks, we'll begin discussing communication strategies in the workplace. These days there are many options for workplace communications. Sometimes people choose to communicate in writing through email or through messaging apps, while at other times they prefer talking to others face-to-face or by phone. What is the most important factor to consider when deciding whether to communicate in writing or by speaking in the workplace? Why?
Kelly: I think privacy is the biggest factor in choosing to communicate in writing or speaking at work. If it's personal or confidential, it's better to email or message instead of talking out loud so everyone can hear. My dad always emails his boss private stuff rather than discussing it in the open office. Written communication lets you control who sees what you say.
Andrew: I think the main factor in deciding to speak or write at work is how well you know someone. If you don't know a coworker that well, randomly showing up in their office to chat can interrupt their workflow. It's better to email new coworkers at first until you build more of a rapport. Once you're more familiar with each other, face-to-face talks are easier and less disruptive.
理由 1:对于紧急且需要立即回应的信息,如突发状况、紧急任务等,口头沟通更为高效,能够迅速传达信息并获得反馈,确保问题得到及时解决。
理由 2:对于非紧急且可以稍后处理的信息,如工作安排、项目计划等,书面沟通更为合适,因为它允许接收者在方便时阅读并回复,避免了因紧急打断而可能产生的工作干扰。
理由 1:正式的信息,如公司政策、项目报告等,更适合通过书面沟通,如电子邮件或报告形式传达,以确保信息的准确性和权威性,避免口头传达可能导致的误解或遗漏。
理由 2:非正式的信息,如日常问候、轻松闲聊等,则更适合通过口头沟通,如面对面交谈或电话交流,这样不仅能增进同事间的感情,还能营造轻松愉快的工作氛围。
immediate response - 立即回应
urgent information - 紧急信息
efficiently convey information - 高效传达信息
formal information - 正式信息
informal interaction - 非正式交流