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2024.11.13 16:31






主题:转基因(Genetic Modification, GM)农作物的潜在优势。

1. 通过将抗虫基因(insect-resistant genes)引入作物,转基因作物可以减少化学杀虫剂(chemical pesticides)的使用,从而减少对环境的负面影响。

1. 转基因作物的基因可能通过花粉传播到野生植物中,导致这些植物对捕食者更具抵抗力,从而可能失控生长,破坏生态平衡。  

2. 转基因作物,特别是那些经过改良以适应干旱条件的作物,可以提高产量,增加非洲等干旱地区农民的收入。

2. 转基因种子(GM seeds)可能需要农民每年购买新的种子,这可能导致额外的经济负担,有时这些成本可能超过通过增加产量带来的收益。

3. 转基因技术可以用于增加作物中的营养素,如在大米中增加维生素A(vitamin A),以帮助解决特定人群中的维生素A缺乏问题。

3. 存在更有效的营养补充方法,如通过增加水果和蔬菜的摄入来补充维生素A,这可能比通过食用转基因大米来补充更为有效。


  Your professor is teaching a class on sociology. Write a post responding to the professor's question.

  In your response, you should

  · express and support your personal opinion

  · make a contribution to the discussion in your own words

  An effective response will contain at least 100 words. You have ten minutes to write.

  Doctor Achebe:Many areas are trying to reduce fossil fuel consumption because such fuel causes pollution and may contribute to climate change. To this end, some local governments want to find ways to encourage more people to use electric vehicles. In preparation for a class discussion on this issue, please post a response indicating what policy or initiative you would recommend that governments implement to encourage more use of electric vehicles, please explain why you think so.

  Kelly: I live in an apartment building and would have difficulty charging an electric vehicle at home. I think that governments should offer financial support to encourage places such as shopping districts to install a large number of charging stations, maybe even free ones, that the public could use.

  Paul: People in my city often deal with long commutes in heavy traffic. But if my local government could set aside lanes on the high-traffic roadways that only electric cars could use, that might encourage people to purchase such a vehicle because they would have shorter and easier commutes.


  While installing more charging stations or creating lanes that are exclusive to electric cars can increase the number of electric vehicles, from my perspective, the most effective way to encourage the use of electric cars is for governments to offer financial incentives. The primary reason is that these incentives can drive competition among car manufacturers, leading to advancements in electric vehicle technology and infrastructure, which can further boost the appeal of electric vehicles. For instance, the government in my country introduced a substantial incentive program last year, which spurred competition among manufacturers. As a result, one company created a more affordable battery, while its counterpart installed fast-charging stations across the country, both making electric vehicles more appealing to citizens. By contrast, if governments don’t provide financial incentives, there may be insufficient awareness campaigns about the benefits of electric vehicles, which can hinder their adoption. Thus, government financial incentives are crucial in encouraging more use of electric vehicles since such incentives can make electric vehicles more affordable.



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