2024.11.13 16:41
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主题:在温带地区种植防护林是否有好处 | |
1.防护林发挥着至关重要的作用,通过阻挡风蚀,有效防止土壤流失,这对于缓解沙漠化趋势至关重要。它们形成了一道天然的屏障,保护农田不受侵蚀,确保了农业用地的可持续利用。 | 1.水资源消耗方面,防护林能有效防止水土流失,为农作物提供保护,避免风蚀。然而,防护林的建设可能会消耗大量水资源,尤其是在已经缺水的地区。这些树木需要大量的地下水来维持生长,这可能会与农民的灌溉需求形成竞争,加剧水资源的紧张状况。 |
2.防护林为动物提供了宝贵的栖息地。多样化的植被结构和丰富的林下空间,为各种野生动物提供了食物来源和繁衍场所,从而促进了生物多样性的增加,增强了生态系统的稳定性和复杂性。 | 2.尽管防护林能够为动物创造新的栖息地,但其对生物多样性的总体贡献是有限的。为了快速形成森林覆盖,防护林往往种植单一种类的快速生长树木。这种做法虽然短期内有效,但长期来看可能导致生态系统的单一性,减少生物多样性,影响动植物种类的丰富性。 |
3.防护林对全球气候产生积极影响。新种植的林地能够吸收大量的二氧化碳,作为一种碳汇,它们有助于减缓全球变暖的趋势。 | 3.在某些情况下,将草地转变为森林可能并不会减缓气候变暖,反而可能增加热量的吸收。这是因为森林中的树木,特别是防护林中单一种类的树木,其茂密的树叶能够吸收和保留大量的太阳热量,这可能比草原更能加剧温室效应,从而对全球变暖产 |
Your professor is teaching a class on sociology. Write a post responding to the professor’s question.
In your response, you should
· express and support your personal opinion
· make a contribution to the discussion in your own words
An effective response will contain at least 100 words. You have ten minutes to write.
Doctor Diaz:This week, we are discussing the social psychology of sports. We have learned that sports often have positive psychological effects on athletes, such as the members of sports teams. But how can we describe their effects on other groups of people, such as sports enthusiasts or sports fans? Consider the following question: When people spend a lot of time watching sports or following their favorite team, does it have a negative effect on their lives? Why or why not?
Kelly:I agree that focusing on sports too much can have negative impacts. For example, some people who like watching sports on television have few other interests. in fact, it seems like watching sports is all they're interested in. l sometimes find such people annoying because they care too much about things that don't matter.
Andrew: I am not sure what we mean by spending "a lot of time" following sports. But following sports has helped me in life when l first met one of my best friends, Daphne, l started a conversation with her by saying something about a sports team l liked. Then we moved to other topics, but sports were a great conservation starter.
I am convinced that spending a lot of time watching sports or following favorite teams has a positive effect on people's lives. The primary reason is that focusing on sports can contribute to emotional well-being and stress relief. Sports can serve as a distraction from daily stressors, allowing individuals to escape their worries and focus on something enjoyable. That means, when people watch their favorite teams, they experience a range of emotions, including joy, excitement, and anticipation, which can boost mood and overall happiness. To illustrate the welcome effect of following sports, my experience serves as a compelling example. Watching basketball games provides me with an outlet to release pent-up emotions and frustrations. As I enjoy watching the game, I could feel the stress melting away, and my mind becoming more focused on it. This event helps release endorphins, which are known as "feel-good" hormones, leading to an immediate boost in my mood. The rhythmic movements involved in the game also acted as a form of meditation, allowing me to temporarily escape from my worries and anxieties. This instance reaffirms the notion: spending time on sports has a soothing effect on our fried nerves.