2024.10.30 11:04
Dr. Diaz: This week, we are discussing the social psychology of sports. We have learned that sports often have positive psychological effects on athletes, such as the members of sports teams. But how can we describe their effects on other groups of people, such as sports enthusiasts or sports fans? Consider the following question: When people spend a lot of time watching sports or following their favorite team, does it have a negative effect on their lives? Why or why not?
Andrew: I agree that focusing on sports too much can have negative impacts. For example, some people who like watching sports on television have few other interests. In fact, it seems like watching sports is all they're interested in. I sometimes find such people annoying because they care too much about things that don't matter.
Claire: I am not sure what we mean by spending ""a lot of time"" following sports. But following sports has helped me in life. When I first met one of my best friends, Daphne, I started a conversation with her by saying something about a sports team I liked. Then we moved to other topics, but sports were a great conservation starter.
理由 1:过度沉浸在体育赛事和队伍中,个体可能会忽视与非体育爱好者的交流机会,导致社交圈子的单一化。这种单一性限制了人们接触不同观点、文化和兴趣的机会,影响了个人的全面发展。
理由 2:在极端情况下,过度关注体育还可能引发与他人的分歧和冲突,尤其是在团队间的激烈竞争时期。这种紧张氛围可能破坏原有的和谐关系,甚至影响到工作、学习和家庭生活的平衡。
理由 1:体育比赛中的团队精神、竞争意识和坚持不懈的精神品质,能够激励人们在现实生活中追求更高的目标和梦想。这种正面的激励作用有助于提升个人的自信心和动力。
理由 2:通过关注体育,人们还能够了解到不同国家和地区的文化、历史和社会背景,拓宽视野,增强跨文化交流的能力。这种全球性的视角有助于培养人们的包容性和国际视野。
the uniformity of social circles - 社交圈子的单一化
the overall development of the individual - 个人的全面发展
persistence - 坚持不懈
enhance the ability of cross-cultural communication - 增强跨文化交流的能力
international vision - 国际视野