2024.10.25 17:19
Doctor Diaz: One traditional method of classroom instruction is lecturing. Lecturing involves the teacher talking about a topic for an extended period of time and expecting students to learn by listening attentively. Today, some educators believe that teachers should limit how much time they spend lecturing and instead teach by encouraging in-class discussions and having students work in groups. However, some teachers still teach primarily by lecturing. Do you believe lecturing is an effective teaching method? Why or why not?
Kelly: I believe lecturing can be an extremely effective way for professors to teach if they have strong communication skills. Some of my most memorable classes have been taught by brilliant lecturers who captivated me with their engaging speaking style, ability to explain complex topics clearly, and passion for their subject matter.
Andrew: I don't think pure lecturing works well as a teaching method. Without student participation, professors have no way to assess if students actually comprehend the material. Students can easily zone out during long lectures if they are just passively listening. Active learning through discussions, activities, and questions lets students engage with content and teachers identify gaps in understanding.
理由 1: 可以通过讲授来非常有效地教学。一个教师的演讲风格、清晰度以及对主题的热情可以在学生中产生兴趣,并且使复杂的概念变得易于理解。
理由 2: 通过讲授,教师可以在较短的时间内向学生传递大量的信息。对于需要覆盖特定课程大纲或标准的教学环境,这种方法尤其有用。
理由 1: 缺乏学生参与,这种方法可能导致学生被动接受信息,而不是积极地参与和处理信息, 从而可能影响他们的长期记忆和理解。
理由 2: 长时间的讲授可能导致学生容易分心,特别是如果讲座内容枯燥或教师的讲授方式缺乏吸引力。学生可能难以保持注意力,这会降低他们从讲授中获得的价值。
definition - 清晰度
complex concept - 复杂的概念
specific course outlines - 特定课程大纲
passive acceptance of information - 被动接受信息
boring content - 内容枯燥