2024.10.11 16:47


  41.millions of tons of water are________ by a complex system of dykes.

  a) held up

  b) held on

  c) held out

  d) held back

  42.when travelling, you are advised to take travellers’ checks, which provide a secure________ to carrying your money in cash.

  a) substitute

  b) replacement

  c) preference

  d) alternative

  43.don’t poke your nose into what doesn’t________ you.

  a) connect

  b) relate

  c) concern

  d) interest

  44.the discussion was so prolonged and exhausting that________ the speakers stopped for refreshments.

  a) at large

  b) at intervals

  c) at random

  d) at length

  45.dozens of scientific groups all over the world have been________ the goal of a practical and economic way to use sunlight to split water molecules.

  a) pursuing

  b) chasing

  c) attaining

  d) reaching

  46.he does not________ as a teacher of english as his pronunciation is terrible.

  a) equal

  b) qualify

  c) match

  d) fit


  china started its nuclear power industry only in recent years and should________ no time in catching up.

  a) delay

  b) lessen

  c) lose

  d) slip

  48.i was speaking to ann on the phone when suddenly we were________ .

  a) cut off

  b) cut down

  c) cut back

  d) cut out

  49.the state’s department of commerce in the u.s. is________ to our bureau of economic development.

  a) alike

  b) equivalent

  c) same

  d) approximate

  50.it’s usually the case that people seldom behave in a________ way when in a furious state.

  a) responsible

  b) reliable

  c) rational

  d) conscious

  51.scientists are working hard to come up with a sure solution to the food________ for mankind.

  a) decline

  b) rarity

  c) scarcity

  d) shortage

  52.i left for the office earlier than usual this morning________ traffic jam.

  a) for the sake of

  b) in case of

  c) at the risk of

  d) in spite of

  53.the manager didn’t have time to go into his plan________ ,but he gave us an idea about it.

  a) in turn

  b) in conclusion

  c) at first

  d) at length

  54.your improper words will give________ to doubts concerning your true intentions.

  a) rise

  b) reason

  c) suspicion

  d) ground

  55.the new washing machines are being________ at the rate of 50 a day in this factory.

  a) turned off

  b) turned down

  c) turned out

  d) turned in

  56.john complained to the bookseller that there were some pages________ in the dictionary.

  a) losing

  b) missing

  c) dropping

  d) falling

  57.on turning round the corner we saw the road________ steeply.

  a) falling

  b) decreasing

  c) descending

  d) lowering

  58.the mother said she would________ her son washing the dishes if he could finish his assignment before supper.

  a) let down

  b) let alone

  c) let off

  d) let out

  59.the managing director took the________ for the accident, although it was not really his fault.

  a) guilt

  b) blame

  c) charge

  d) accusation

  60.in spite of the wide range of reading material specially written or________ for language learning purposes, there is yet no comprehensive systematic program for the reading skills.

  a) adapted

  b) acknowledged

  c) assembled

  d) appointed


  41.答案 d. hold back“阻挡;阻止……的发展;隐瞒(秘密);踌躇,畏缩不前”(如his poor education is holding him back; the police had back the crowd; he was holding something back from us; no one held back in face of danger.)hold up“举起;支撑;使停顿,使不能继续进行;(拦路)抢劫”hold on(单独用)“握住不放;坚持下去;(电话)请等一会儿”hold out(单独用)“伸出;坚持(要求),不屈服(for sth)

  42.答案d。alternative(to) n.“取舍,抉择;供选择的东西,替代办法“(如you have the alter-native of fighting or being taken prisoner; the alternative to being taken prisoner was to die fighting;<常考句型>one has no alternative but to/there is no alternative for one but to fight.)substitute(for)n.”代用品,代替品”replacement(of) n.“替代,替换;替代的人或物”preference(for/to) n.“偏爱,更喜爱;优先(权)”(have a preference for sth; choose a in preference to b.)

  43.答案c。concern vt.“涉及,有关于;使关心,使挂念”(如this matter concerns all of us; i am not concerned with that matter any longer; his illness concerns me very much; be concerned with/about/for/over sth“对……表示关心或忧虑”;注:过去分词作定语放在名词前面表示“关切的”,如with a concerned look;放在名词后面表示“有关的,相关的”,如we shall have to consult the persons concerned.)connect vt.“连接,联系”(句型:connect a and/to b; the pipe connects with the sewer.)relate v.“(使互相)关联”(句型:relate a and/to/with b; relate to sth)interest vt.“使感兴趣,引起……的关注”

  44.答案b. interval n.“(幕间或工间的)一段休息时间;间隔,间距”(at intervals“不时,每隔……时间或距离”)at large(作后置定语)“大多数的”(如students at large);(作表语)“(犯罪分子)未被捕获的,逍遥法外的”△at random (作状语)“随意的,任意地”at length“最终,终于;长时间地,长篇大论地”

  45.答案a。pursue vt.“追求,从事;追赶,追踪”chase vt.“追逐,追赶”attain vt.“达到,获得”reach vt.“抵达,达到”

  46.答案b。qualify v.“(使)具有资格,(使)胜任,(使)合适(如he qualified as a doctor; his training qualified him as a teacher of english; he’s well qualified for/to do the job.)equal vt.”等于,比得上“match v.”(和……)相配,(和……相称“fit vt.”(衣服)适合,合身;适合,符合“(in/into)

  47.答案c. lose no time in doing sth “立即“(如i shall lose no time in beginning work.)delay v.”推迟;耽搁,延误“(句型:delay sb/sth/an action/-ing,不说delay time)lessen v.“减少,减轻”slip vi.“滑落;溜走”

  48.答案a。cut off“切断,阻断,停掉;使电话中断”(cut off the water supply; cut off the enemy’s retreat; be cut off from the outside world.)cut down“消减,减少”cut back“削减,缩减;急忙返回”cut out“割去,删去”

  49.答案b。equivalent(to) adj.“相等的,相当的;等量的,等值的”;n.“相等物”(如what is $5 equivalent to in french francs? his behavior was equivalent to treason; he earns the equivalent of $50 a month.)alike adj.“同样的,相像的”same adj.(必须与the 连用)“相同的,一样的”approximate(to) adj.“近似的,大约的”

  50.答案c。rational adj.“理性的,合理的”(a rational man; a rational plan; rational arguments)responsible(for) adj.“须负责的;责任重大的;有责任感的”reliable adj.“可靠的”conscious(of) adj.“意识到的,自觉的;有意的;神志清醒的”

  51.答案d。shortage n.“不足,缺少”deline n.“下降,减少,衰落”○rarity n.“稀少,少见的人或东西”(常与不定冠词连用)○scarcity n.[u]“缺乏,稀少”

  52.答案b。in case of (状语,放在句末)“以防,防备”;(状语,放在句首)“假如,如果发生”(如always keep a bucket of water handy in case of fire; in case of fire, ring the alarm bell.)(区分:in the case of 多用于对比,常含有“而……的情况却不同”之意,如poverty depresses most people, but in the case of my father it was otherwise; mary failed to hand homework in time because she was ill; but it was different in the case of jane-she was lazy.)for the sake of“为了,为了……的利益;看在……的份上”at the risk of“冒着……的危险”in spite of “虽然,尽管;不管,不顾”

  53.答案d。at length“长时间地;详细地;最终,终于”(如he spoke at length on his plans for the future; we discussed the matter at length; at length he came to understand it.)in turn“依次地,轮流地;反过来”in conclusion“最后”(用在结束语中)at first “最初,起先”

  54.答案a。give rise to sth“引起,导致,成为……的原因”(如the depression gave rise to widespread unemployment; this plan has given rise to various problems.)reason n.“理由,原因”(句型:have reason to do /for-ing; sth stands to reason;不说give reason to sth)ground n.(常用复数)“理由,根据”(句型:have no ground[s]for-ing; do sth on personal grounds/on the grounds of ill health,etc)suspicion n.“怀疑”(常用搭配:arouse suspicion; have suspicion of/about sth/that…)

  55.答案c。turn out“(工厂)生产,制造(产品);(学校)培养(人才);驱逐,使离开;关掉,旋熄“turn off”关,关闭;转到另一条路“turn down”关小,调低;拒绝“turn in“上交,交还;上床睡觉”

  56.答案b。missing adj.“缺失的,失踪的,不见了,少了”losing adj.“正在输掉的”

  57.答案c.descend vi.“下降,下来;往下走;降生”fall vi.“落下;下降;减弱”decrease v’“减少,减小”lower vt’“放下,降下,放低”

  58.答案c.let off“放过,宽恕(使不受惩罚);允许不干;排放”(如let sb off[from]doing sth“允许某人不做某事”;the judge let him off with a warning“法官给他以警告就放过了他”。)let down“使(某人)失望;放下,降低”let alone“不打扰,不惊动;更别提……”let out“释放,放走;发出”

  59.答案b.blame n.[u]“过错,事故的)责任;责怪,责备”(句型:put/lay/bring the blame on sb“怪在某人身上”;the blame rests on sb“责任在某人”;take the blame on oneself for sth/bear the blame for sth“承担……的责任”)○guilt n.“罪,罪责”charge n.作“罪名,指控”解时不与take搭配;take charge of sth 表示“对……负责,接管”的意思○accusation n.“职责,控告”(不说take accusation for sth)

  60.答案a。adapt vt.“改编,改写”(如the author is adapting his play for television; this exercise is adapted from book v.)acknowledge vt.“承认,认为……属实”assemble vt.“装备;集合,召集”appoint vt.“任命,委派;约定(时间或地点)”(句型:appoint sb[to be][as]chairman; appoint a day/a place for a meeting)



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