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  21.except on official________ such as formal receptions, american society has a certain amount of informality.

  a) cases

  b) situations

  c) events

  d) occasions

  22.the final document was, of course, supposed to mend the damage________ upon the world by the war.

  a) imposed

  b) impressed

  c) compelled

  d) compressed

  23.while walking along the icy river banks, we could see cracks in the ice________ in all directions.

  a) radiating

  b) dividing

  c) splitting

  d) tearing

  24.tibet, the second largest province of china, is________ in uranium (铀) and underground thermal power(地热).

  a) wealthy

  b) abundant

  c) adequate

  d) sufficient

  25.the young couple were quite excited by the________ of having their first child.

  a) perspective

  b) prospect

  c) future

  d) foresight

  26.so many children have bought the balloons that the store is now out of________ .

  a) stuff

  b) material

  c) stock

  d) staff

  27.she was always in perfect sympathy with me________ my love of nature.

  a) with regard to

  b) in contrast to

  c) in case of

  d) in the event of

  28.there are nations whose lack of contact with the outside world has________ poverty.

  a) fallen into

  b) consisted in

  c) resulted in

  d) amounted to

  29.this is the________ to an improvement of their living conditions.

  a) key

  b) decision

  c) essence

  d) alternative

  30.it was bold idea to build a power station in the deep valley, but it________ as well as we had expected.

  a) went off

  b) worked off

  c) broke off

  d) came off

  31.christmas is a christian holy day usually celebrated on december 25th________ the birth of jesus christ.

  a) in favour of

  b) in honour of

  c) in terms of

  d) in accordance with

  32.the________ action of the policemen saved the people in the house from being burnt.

  a) alert

  b) urgent

  c) prompt

  d) punctual

  33.the pollution question as well as several other issues is going to be discussed when the congress is in________ again next spring.

  a) assembly

  b) conference

  c) convention

  d) session

  34.your________ is the round of things that you usually do each day.

  a) practice

  b) habit

  c) routine

  d) custom

  35.i________ with thanks the help of my colleagues in the preparation of this new column.

  a) express

  b) acknowledge

  c) confirm

  d) verify

  36.david is the________ holder of the world 5000-meter race world record, but there is no guarantee that he will win in the olympic games.

  a) prevalent

  b) dominant

  c) current

  d) prominent

  37.your complaint is being________ ; when we have anything to report we’ll write to you again.

  a) looked through

  b) looked over

  c) looked after

  d) looked into

  38.to our delight, she quickly________ herself to the new situation.

  a) acquainted

  b) exposed

  c) adapted

  d) devoted

  39.the manger gave one of the salesgirls an accusing look for her________ attitude toward customers.

  a) straightforward

  b) partial

  c) favourable

  d) hostile

  40.with the joint effort of everyone, the plan is________ to succeed; i’m sure of that.

  a) obvious

  b) bound

  c) doubtless

  d) necessary


  21.答案d。occasion n.“重大活动,盛会;时刻,场合;时机,机会“(on official occasions“在正式场合”;on occation[s]“有时,间或”;on such occasions“在这样的场合”;on many/several occasions“有许多次/好几次”;on one occasion of “在……的时候,置……之际”)case n.“情况,事实;案件”(注:case与in而不与on搭配)situation n.“形势,局面;环境,状况;地点,位置”(一般与介词in搭配)event n.“事件;(体育)比赛项目”(与介词in而不与on搭配)

  22.答案a。impose sth on sb“把……强加于;征(税)”(如impose one’s will/one’s wishes on sb; impose taxes on cigarettes/tariffs on imported goods)impress a on b; impress b with a“用a在b上压出个印来”(如he impressed me with his kindness.“他的热情给我留下深刻印象”。)compel vt.”强迫,迫使”(如compel sb to pbey; compel obedience from sb“强迫某人服从”)compress vt.“压紧,压缩”

  23.答案c。split v.(多指顺纹)“裂开;(使)分裂;撕裂”(如bamboo splits easily;he split his pants.)△radiate v.“辐射,(使)从中心发散”divide vt.“划分,分配;隔开”tear vt.“撕,撕裂”

  24.答案b. abundant (in) adj.“大量的,充足的,丰富的”wealthy adj.“富裕的,富有的,有钱的”adequate(to/for)adj.“充足的,足够的;适当的,胜任的”sufficient (for) adj.“充分的,足够的”

  25.答案b。prospect n.“前景;前途;展望”(一般作不可数名词用,与the连用,与the连用,如the prospect of a holiday; the prospect of owning one’s own house)perspective n.“远景,景观;透视画法”future n.“将来,未来;前景,前途”(多余不定冠词连用,如a bright future)foresight n.“远见;预见性;预言的能力”

  26.答案c.stock n.“库存,现货,备料”(如have sth in stock “有存货”;sth is out of stock;the store is out of stock of sth“没有存货”stuff n.[u]“原料,材料,东西”material n.[c]“原料,材料;资料,素材”staff n.“全体职工,全体人员;参谋部”

  27.答案a。with/in regard to “关于,至于”(in this/that regard“关于这一点”;without regard to/for“而不管,不顾”)in contrast to/with“与……形成对比,比较之下”in case of“以备,防备;假如,如果发生”in the event of“万一,如果发生”

  28.答案c.result in“导致,结果造成”(如the accident resulted in three deaths.)fall into“开始……起来;陷入某种状态”consist in“存在于,主要体现于”amount to“合计,共计;等同于,接近于,意味着,实际上是”

  29.答案a。key (to ) n.“方法,关键;题解,答案”(the key to world pease; a key to the grammar exercises)decision n.“决定;果断”△essence n.“本质,实质,要素”alternative (to) n.“取舍,抉择;供选择的东西”

  30.答案d.come off“成功;发生,举行;脱落,分开”(如the experiment did not come off; his plans haven’t come off; the picnic came off at last.)go off“(枪、爆竹等)爆炸,响起;停止运行;不再喜欢”work off“慢慢脱落;慢慢消除掉;完成,干完(工作)”break off“中止,中断;突然停止”

  31.答案b。in honour of“为庆祝,为纪念,为向……表示敬意”in fovour of“支持,赞成”in terms of“从……来说,用……(表示);从……的角度”in accordance with “按照,根据;与……一致”

  32.答案c。prompt adj.“及时的,迅速的,敏捷的”alert(to)adj.“留神的,注意的;警惕的,警觉的”urgent adj.“急迫的,紧要的,催逼的”punctual adj.“准时的,正点的,严守时刻的”

  33.答案d。session n.“会议,一届会期”(如中共第十五次全国代表大会选出的第十五届中央委员会每年开一次会议,每次会议就叫做一次session,而不叫meeting);“(用于某一目的的)一段时间”assembly n.“集会,集合;组装,装备”conference n.“(正式)会议”convention n.“(正式)会议,(定期)大会”

  34.答案c。routine n.“(每天要做的)例行公事,惯常程序”practice n. 业务;实践;练习;习惯做法“habit n.“习惯” custom n.“风俗,习惯,惯例”

  35.答案b.acknowledge vt.“对……表示感谢”(常用搭配:acknowledge sth with thanks)express vt.“表示,表达”confirm vt.“肯定,证实;进一步确认”verify vt.“证明,证实;查清,核实”

  36.答案c。current adj.“现实的,当前的;通行的,流行的”(如the current fashions; this view is current in the capital.)△prevalent adj.“(某种思想、现象、东西)流行的,普遍的,常见的,经常出现的”dominant adj.“支配的,统治的,占优势的”prominent adj.“突出的,杰出的;突起的”

  37.答案d.look into“调查,观察”;look in“顺访,顺便看望”look through“(从头到尾)浏览一遍;详尽核查”look over“把……看一遍;察看”look after“照料,照顾,照管;注意,关心”

  38.答案c。adapt…to“使适应,使适合”;(少数情况下用)adapt to“适合”(如he has not yet adapted to the climate.)△acquaint sb with “使了解,使认识“expose sb to sth”把……暴露于,使处于……的作用(或影响)之下“devote oneself/one’s time,etc to sth”将……奉献给,把……专用于,致力于”

  39.答案d。hostile(to) adj.”敌对的,不友善的“;straightforward adj.“坦率的,正直的;明确的,简单的”partial(to) adj.“偏袒的,偏心的;部分的,不完全的”favourable(to/for) adj.“有利的,顺利的;赞成的”

  40.答案b. be bound (to do)“一定的,必然的”; be bound to/for a place“准备到……去;开往”obvious adj.“显然的,明显的”doudtless adv.“无疑的,肯定的”(副词一般不作表语)necessary adj.“必要的,必须的;必然的,势必的”。



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