Do animals make jokes too? 动物也会像人类一样开玩笑?
2024.04.15 14:53


Do animals make jokes too? 动物也会像人类一样开玩笑?

有些人认为幽默感和开怀大笑是人类独有的特质。但动物行为学家们可能不同意这个观点。有大量证据表明动物们像人类一样喜欢互相逗乐,而且它们这样做完全是出于好玩!听 “随身英语” 节目探讨狗、黑猩猩、海豚和老鼠开玩笑的方式。

词汇:laughter 笑声

Laughter is a universal language for humans to connect with each other and form social bonds. Even as babies, we giggle when our parents pull funny faces, and then gradually learn to make others laugh as we grow up. But, is it a uniquely human experience? Scientists have observed behaviours in animals that suggest that your pets might be secret jokesters

Have you ever seen dogs let people come close to their toy, and then playfully run away with it? Biologist Charles Darwin saw this as the dog's version of a practical joke. Marc Bekoff, biology professor at the University of Colorado, also observed dogs playfully teasing each other by approaching slowly and then quickly running away. His work concluded that dogs just want to have fun, and he's also said that animals may goof around as a way to cope with stress.

In a 2024 study, Isabelle Laumer and colleagues watched four ape species interact with each other and observed 18 distinct teasing behaviours. They saw young apes sneak up behind an adult, poke them to surprise them and then wait and watch the response, behaviour similar to that shown by human children. So, a sense of humour may have appeared early in our evolutionary timeline.

What about laughing? While playing, dogs sometimes produce a breathy snort that could sound like laughter. Dolphins let out sounds of joy when play-fighting. Rats make a joyful squeak similar to a giggle when they are tickled, says Jeffrey Burgdorf, professor at Northwestern University. 

But, is a rat's giggle really a sign of a sense of humour? Are the apes in Laumer's study really joking around or just attention-seeking? What would be the evolutionary purpose of animals teasing and pranking? "In humans, humour can serve as like an ice-breaker, removing social barriers and strengthening relationships," says Laumer. "We don't know if it's the same in apes or other animals, but it's possible."


laughter 笑,笑声
giggle 咯咯地笑
pull a funny face 扮鬼脸
make (someone) laugh 逗(某人)笑
jokester 喜欢讲笑话或开玩笑的人
playfully 闹着玩地
practical joke 恶作剧
tease 戏弄,招惹
have fun 玩乐
goof around 瞎胡闹
sneak up 悄悄靠近
poke (用手指)戳
sense of humour 幽默感
play-fight 玩耍打闹
joyful 高兴的
tickle 挠痒痒,胳肢
joke around 闹着玩,开玩笑
prank 玩笑,恶作剧


1. 阅读课文并回答问题。

1. What are two ways dogs exhibit teasing behaviour? 

2. What might be a reason for animals to goof around, according to Marc Bekoff?

3. True or False? Teasing behaviour shown by apes isn't seen in humans. 

4. What causes rats to let out a joyful squeak in Jeffrey Burgdorf's research? 

5. What is the purpose of humour in humans, according to Laumer?

2. 选择意思恰当的单词或词组来完成下列句子。

1. I told Abdul a joke to _______.

pull a face           sneak up on him             play-fight him             make him laugh

2. We get on very well and laugh a lot because we share the same _______.

goof                    sense of humour             practical joke             laughter

3. Tim _______ his dog by hiding behind the sofa and then calling his name.

poked                  snuck up                         tickled                        teased

4. Caterina has always been the office _______. She's always telling funny stories.

jokester               laughter                          pranker                      tickler

5. My brother always _______ me by hiding fake spiders in my bed.

pranks                 giggles                            jokes                         makes laugh


1.  阅读课文并回答问题。

1. What are two ways dogs exhibit teasing behaviour? 

Dogs let humans come close to their toy, and then playfully run away with it. They also approach other dogs slowly and then quickly run away. 

2. What might be a reason for animals to goof around, according to Marc Bekoff?

Marc Bekoff says that animals might goof around to cope with stress.

3. True or False? Teasing behaviour shown by apes isn't seen in humans.

False. Young apes show behaviour similar to that shown by human children.

4. What causes rats to let out a joyful squeak in Jeffrey Burgdorf's research?

Rats let out a joyful squeak when they are tickled. 

5. What is the purpose of humour in humans, according to Laumer? 

Laumer says that humour can serve as like an ice-breaker, removing social barriers and strengthening relationships.

2.  选择意思恰当的单词或词组来完成下列句子。

1. I told Abdul a joke to make him laugh.

2. We get on very well and laugh a lot because we share the same sense of humour

3. Tim teased his dog by hiding behind the sofa and then calling his name.

4. Caterina has always been the office jokester. She's always telling funny stories.

5. My brother always pranks me by hiding fake spiders in my bed.



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