2024.12.20 11:47
TASK 1【人际交往】
Some people prefer to make plans with friends for social activities far in advance. Others prefer to be more spontaneous and make plans with friends on the same day they would like to see them. which do you prefer?
Sample Answer
Well I definitely think it's better to make plans before hanging out with our friends.
First making a plan can make sure that my friends and I are both happy about the places we're about to visit. Instead, if we just randomly pick a place to hang out, and you know when we get there, one of us might not like it, which would be really frustrating and even awkward.
Besides, I think it's also important to find out whether our friends have other plans to do on that day. I mean, probably they have to go back home earlier or show up to another meeting in the afternoon, so it's better that we make sure our activities can fit inside their busy schedule.
TASK 2【学校计划】
Reading(Article): Graduate Business Program to Discontinue Summer Courses(研究生商学院计划停办夏季课程)
Point 1:由于夏季课程的报名人数不足,无法支撑继续提供这些课程的费用, 因此决定取消夏季课程。
Point 2:这些课程在春季和秋季学期也有开设,所以学生不会因为取消夏季课程而遇到显著的不便
Conversation: Man Disagrees
(W: Well, I think they are giving up on it too soon.
M: Really? I can't say I'm surprised.)
Reason 1: 夏季课程报名人数少,且课程几乎达不到容量,因此不意外课程被取消。
Reason 2:他认为替代方案(即常规学期的课程安排)时间安排不同,可能无法满足那些希望通过夏季课程提前毕业的学生的需求。
TASK 3【生物理论】
Reading: Seagoing Fish
定义:远航的鱼指的是那些在年轻时生活在淡水中,而在成熟后迁移到盐水中的鱼类。 (Thus, certain kinds of fish stay in freshwater when they are young, and then migrate, or travel, to salt water once they reach a certain age. )
例子: Salmon(鲑鱼)
TASK 4【商业】
主题: 2 problems of having employee turnover(员工流动的两个问题)
Problem 1: 员工流动会给公司带来很高的成本——因为需要替换离职员工,这个过程需要时间,可能导致生产和利润的减少。
Problem 2:员工流动会对其他员工产生负面影响——因为他们无法从离职员工那里获得帮助。