2024.11.15 17:38
The collapse of Maya
Group living
The Cooling of Early Earth
Earth formed just under 4.6 billion years ago, and for its first 50 to100 million years, it was a boiling ball of liquid rock without a permanent crust (hard outermost layer).An important event in Earth's earliest phase is known as the differentiation event, which completely changed the initially uniform composition of the planet. it happened around 4.5 billion years ago, when the planet had grown large enough for pressure to drive temperatures in the interior above1,000℃(degrees Celsius), the point at which rocks melt. Then, denser (metal-rich) materials sank to the center of the planet, and less dense (rocky) materials rose toward the surface. The sinking dense materials formed Earth's nickel-iron core, the planet's inner3,500 kilometers or so. The lighter materials that rose up formed the less-dense rocky mantle, the planet's outer 2,900 kilometers.
The formation of Earth's core transformed conditions on Earth's surface. This is because it created the right conditions for development of the planet's magnetic field, which originates from movements in the outer layers of Earth's core. It had been known fora while that the magnetic field was already operational by about 3.5billion years ago, and very recent research has brought that back to before 4 billion years ago. The magnetic field is Earth's only real protection against the solar wind (charged particles from the Sun), which was stripping gases from the earliest atmosphere before the magnetic field had started up. Thus, the differentiation event is thought to have been critical for reducing the loss of light elements from the atmosphere to space. Without it, Earth might have ended up without hydrogen, and thus without water. And over time, many heavier gases would also have been stripped off by the solar wind. Mars is thought to have started out with a magnetic field but—being much smaller than Earth—to have cooled enough for its magnetic field to die at around 4 billion years ago. It subsequently lost almost all of its atmosphere and surface water. While this often-used explanation for retaining an atmosphere by presence of a magnetic field sounds plausible, some further thought suggests that things maybe a little more complicated. Venus has no magnetic field and is closer to the Sun yet has a very well-developed atmosphere. Venus and Earth have similar sizes and masses, while Mars is much smaller—hence, gravity may have been equally or more important for retaining an atmosphere than a magnetic field, especially when the gases concerned are heavier gases, like the dominant CO2 (carbon dioxide) on Venus.
At Earth's position in the earliest solar system, temperatures of 250°C to 350°C would be expected, but the energy from the intense early impacting by objects from space had pushed temperatures up well above the melting temperature of rocks. Still, research has demonstrated that as early as about 4.4 billion years ago, Earth's surface had not only cooled sufficiently to form early crust (likely below 1,000°C) but even enough to allow for the presence of liquid water, which at modern atmospheric pressure would mean that temperatures had dropped below 100°C. However, at higher pressures this value is higher, and we don't really know how dense the early atmosphere was. So 100°C is a lower estimate; true temperatures may have been double that value if the early atmosphere was very dense.
Now that clouds and rain had appeared on the scene, oceans began to develop. Large portions of the planet were covered with water by about 4 billion years ago. This is somewhat unexpected because, at this time, Earth's fiery birth phase had rapidly settled down, and the Sun was only about 70 percent as strong as it is today. After their first bright ignition, stars like the Sun shine more weakly and then grow gradually more intense with age; we refer to this as the "faint young Sun." With only 70 percent of the modern energy coming in from the Sun, early Earth should have been covered by ice, not water. Somehow, Earth's early atmosphere must have retained heat more effectively than the modern atmosphere. Indeed, reconstructions of the early atmosphere's composition suggest high levels of CO2, water vapor, and methane, which would have caused efficient heat retention.