2024.08.26 11:16
Doctor Achebe: In the next few weeks, we'll be talking about urban traffic management. Let's begin by discussing one popular idea-creating car-free central zones. Some cities around the world have recently designated their downtown areas as being automobile-free, which means that vehicles are not allowed to enter the city centers. Do you think that more cities should make their central zones car-free? Why or why not?
Claire: I support the idea of establishing car-free central zones because this will result in one important benefit for city residents—it will be better for their health. Instead of driving everywhere. People will be encouraged to walk or cycle more. It would be a great way to incorporate exercise into people's routines.
Paul: It sounds like a good idea, but I'm skeptical. My main concern is that many businesses located in the city centers, such as shops and restaurants, may suffer because the customers will no longer be able to reach those businesses by car. For some customers, if they can't drive, they won't go at all.
理由 1:无车区可以减少空气污染和噪音污染,这将有助于改善城市环境和居民生活质量。
理由 2:无车区可以鼓励人们使用公共交通或步行,这将有助于减少交通拥堵和城市的可持续 发展。
理由 1:汽车对于许多人来说是必要的交通工具,特别是对于那些有特殊需求或者住在城市边 缘的人来说。
理由 2:无车区可能会对商业活动产生负面影响,因为它可能会限制顾客到访和货物运输。 高频表达:
reduce air pollution and noise pollution - 减少空气污染和噪音污染
improve urban environment and residents' quality of life - 改善城市环境和居民生活
encourage the use of public transport or walking - 鼓励使用公共交通或步行 sustainable development - 可持续发展
restrict customer visits and goods transportation - 限制顾客到访和货物运输