2024.08.26 11:09
Dr. Gupta: This week we are discussing labor shortages. That's when there are more jobs in the economy than there are qualified people to fill those jobs. During a labor shortage, companies have to compete with one another to attract people to work for them. In your online discussion, please explain what you think companies can do to make themselves more attractive to potential employees.
Andrew: I think one thing that makes a company attractive is location. When companies choose a location for a facility, they should think about whether it's a place that employees want to be. For example, locating a workplace in a big city
where there are lots of shops and entertainment options could be a good way to attract new employees.
Claire: It might sound unimportant at first, but I have heard of companies that provide their employees with a variety of food options in their facility. These companies don't just have a cafeteria; they also provide coffee bars and free snack stations for their employees to make working there more enjoyable. I think this also makes employees feel appreciated.
理由 1:薪酬是人们选择工作的重要因素之一,提供更高的薪酬可以吸引更多的人来应聘。
理由 2:良好的福利可以提高员工的工作满意度和忠诚度,从而吸引和留住优秀的员工。
理由 1:提供良好的职业发展机会可以吸引那些有雄心壮志的人,他们希望在公司中有所作为。
理由 2:提供培训可以帮助员工提升技能,对于那些希望自我提升的人来说,这是一个很大的 吸引力。
higher salary and benefits - 更高的薪酬和福利
job satisfaction and loyalty - 工作满意度和忠诚度
career development opportunities - 职业发展机会
ambitious people - 有雄心壮志的人
provide training - 提供培训