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2022.03.27 17:57


Because densely populated urban centers concentrate human activity, we think of them as pollution crisis zones. Ecology-minded discussions often focus on ways to make cities seem somewhat less oppressively man-made, such as increasing the area devoted to 40 parks or easing the intensity of development. But most such changes would actually undermine cities’ extraordinary energy efficiency. Per unit of area, cities in the United States generate more greenhouse gases, use more energy, and produce more solid waste than most other American regions of comparable size. On a map depicting negative environmental impacts in relation to surface area, therefore, cities would look like intense hot spots. If you plotted the same negative impacts by resident or household, however, the reverse would hold.

1. Which of the following best expresses the main idea of the passage?

A. Increasing the space devoted to parks in urban areas would not necessarily make cities seem less man-made.

B. Because they are densely populated, cities tend to have a disproportionately negative impact on the environment.

C. Although densely populated cities are relatively energy efficient, they are still the largest contributors to environmental pollution.

D. Decreasing the density of urban populations might in some respects worsen their environmental impact.

E. The extraordinary energy efficiency of cities suggests that concerns about the environment in urban areas may be unwarranted.

Consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply.

2. The passage implies that in the United States relatively sparsely populated areas exceed cities in per capita rate of 

A. solid-waste production’

B. intensity of development 

C. greenhouse-gas emissions


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