Throw one's toys out the pram 耍小孩子脾气
2024.10.25 18:42


Throw one's toys out the pram 耍小孩子脾气


在英式英语里,“pram” 是 “婴儿车” 的意思,“throw one's toys out of the pram” 的字面意思就是 “把玩具扔出婴儿车”;当我们说成年人 “把玩具扔出婴儿车” 时,你觉得它表达的是什么意思呢?看本期节目,学习 “throw one's toys out of the pram(耍小孩子脾气)” 在日常交流中的用法。


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大家好,欢迎收听 BBC 英语教学的 “地道英语” 节目。在每期节目中,我们都会介绍一个英语母语人士或讲英语流利的人会用到的习惯用语或短语。I'm Feifei, and I'm joined by Georgie. 

Hi Feifei! So, in this programme, we're looking at an idiom that reminds me of babies, and that's 'throwing your toys out of the pram' or 'throwing your toys out the pram'. Feifei, I thought it might be useful to explain the literal meaning of this first.

Yes, I think that's a good idea. Well, a pram is something that you put a baby in, it has four wheels and you push it. And it is also known as a pushchair. Now imagine a baby is crying, he or she is really upset and they're throwing their toys out of the pram.

OK, now if you use the idiom to describe an adult who is throwing their toys out of the pram, it means they are acting in a very childish or dramatic way, especially when they don't get what they want.

Yes. For example, yesterday we saw a child in a supermarket literally throwing his toys out of the pram. But when we use 'throwing your toys out of the pram' to describe an adult, we don't mean that they're literally throwing the toys out of their pram. We mean that they're acting in a very dramatic way. Let's hear some more examples from our colleagues.

I worked with an actor last week, and during lunchtime, we found out that there weren't any ham sandwiches. He threw his toys out the pram and refused to work with us anymore.

There are some mistakes in Sally's work again, but there's no way I'm telling her. Last time, she just threw her toys out the pram and stormed off and started shouting at everyone.

Well, that's the last time I play him at tennis. He disagreed with the umpire and just totally threw his toys out of the pram, smashed his racket on the floor and just walked off.

你正在收听的是 BBC 英语教学的 “地道英语” 节目。上面我们听了三个使用了 “throw your toys out of the pram” 的例句。The idiom is mostly used to describe someone else's behaviour and it's pretty much always quite negative and critical.

Yes, and it's mostly used in British English because 'pram' is a British English word. So, if you're in the UK and someone says you're throwing your toys out of the pram, it might be a good idea to take a step back and reconsider your reaction!  

Good advice, Georgie! “Throw one's toys out of the pram” 的字面意思是 “把玩具扔出婴儿车”;在英式英语里,“pram” 的意思是 “婴儿车”。这个成语实际被用来形容 “一个人因为没有得到自己想要的东西而发脾气或表现得非常情绪化,就像小孩子一样耍赖、闹脾气”,通常带有贬义和讽刺的意味。

Join us next time for another useful English expression. Bye!




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