2024.06.15 14:16


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道长领衔,直播"2024年6月四级答案解析",直播时间16日 11:30-13:00。【领取】



  答案速查36-40 ICMFA

  36.Our brains are genetically determined tosatisfyimmediate desires.

  【1】定位:Our brains are hard-wired for instantgratification.

  37.Taken in a practical way,saving for post-workyears is likegiving money away to others.

  【C】定位:Understand inthat way,saving forretirementisthe equivalent of giving money awayto someone elseentirely.

  38.Research found that,as regards achievementof one'sgoals,it is important to focus more onenjoyingthe processthan the long-term benefits.

  【M】定位:These findings suggest that whedit话comes toachieving your goals,enjoving theprocess itself is moreimportant than wanting thelong-term benefits.

  39.Regarding our future selves as still beingourselves willhelp us makě better long-termdecisions.

  【F】定位:If the central problem..,it follows thattrying toidentify more closelywith our future语selves will encourageus to make better long-termdecisions.

  40.Savings rates in America have dropped inrecent decadeseven though people's lifeexpectancy has increased.

  【A】定位:Across the board,people are livinglonger...Andyet,saving rates in the U.S.have gonedown in recent decade,not up.

  文章标题How to better work towards long-term goals

  答案速查41-45 KELBG

  41.Researchers found that enjoyment rather thanimportance enabled peoplé to persist in theirgoals.

  【K】定位:We found that enjoyment predictedpeople’sgoal persistence two months aftersetting the goal far morethan how important theyratedtheir goalto be,Woolley said.

  42.When making decisions,we give priorityto ourcurrentframe of mind without thinking much ofthe consequences.

  【E】定位:…but in daing so,we prioritize ourcurrent moodover the consequences of our火央inaction forthfuture slf.

  43.People ate more of a healthyfood when theyfocused onits good taste instead of its long-termbenefits.

  【L】定位:For example,people ate 50%more of ahealthyfood when directed to focus on the goodtaste rather thanthe long-termhealth benefits.

  44.As was expected,when people thought of theirpresentselves,their brains were observed tobecome more active.

  【B】定位:Unsurprisingly,people’s brains weremost activewhen thinking about their currentselves and...

  45.Researchers found thatparticipants who sawtheimagesof their aged selves would save morefor their later years thanthose who didn't.

  【G】定位:Participants who saw their aged selvessaid theywould save 30%moreof their salary fordretirement than thecontrol group.




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