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2024.04.28 10:17



Doctor Achebe:Last week, we started talking about decisions that university administrators have to make regarding spending. They often need to decide how to allocate their funds, including renovating existing facilities, offering new amenities, and so on. For example, a university could spend money to upgrade a sports stadium, build a new performing arts center, or do a variety of other things. What is the most important thing university administrators should consider when making decisions regarding spending?

Paul: I believe university administrators should prioritize students' opinions when deciding on spending. After all, students are the main source of the school's income. For instance, if the university wants to upgrade sports facilities but students are more interested in a new library or tech center, it makes sense to let students vote on it.

Claire: University administrators should prioritize projects that can generate future revenue. For example, investing in a state-of-the-art research facility or tech incubator could attract more students and partnerships, leading to increased funding and grants. It's essential to consider not just the immediate benefits but also the long-term financial sustainability for the university.


While university administrators should consider students’ opinions and potential financial benefits when making spending decisions, I believe the priority should be the impact on students’ education and overall experience. The primary mission of any university is to educate and prepare students for their future careers; therefore, spending decisions should be centered around enhancing academic programs, providing robust student support services, and maintaining a conducive learning environment. For instance, a university in my country allocated a significant portion of its budget to academic resources, benefiting all students. Specifically, the investments included upgrading library resources, improving classroom technology, and hiring additional faculty for smaller class sizes, which led to a more conducive learning environment and improved academic outcomes. Conversely, if funds are not directed towards maintaining or improving academic programs, the quality of education could suffer. This could lead to decreased student performance and satisfaction, and ultimately, a decline in the university’s reputation. Therefore, when making financial decisions, university administrators should primarily focus on the impact of those decisions on students’ education and overall experience.




