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2022.11.29 13:57






1. 开头:同意(孩子不应该玩电脑)。

2. 论证段 1:玩电脑游戏容易上瘾沉迷、影响学习。

3. 论证段 2:长期玩电脑游戏伤身体。孩子正在发育,所以对他们不好。

4. 让步段:玩电脑是可以放松身心,但是鼓励孩子在户外运动更能放松身心,所以不是必须让孩子晚电脑。

5. 结尾:孩子不应该玩电脑。


Attempts of the past decade to separate computer from children’s development has been largely unsuccessful, as computers have become an indispensable part of their lives at home and at school. While admitting to the usefulness of computer in general, I personally have strong reservations for exposing children to computer games, for the following reasons.

First and foremost, playing computer games will distract students from learning. To be more specific, easily addicted to, and lured by, computer games, children may spend more time than necessary playing them, even at night. As a result, they would have next to no time for homework and revision, let alone other time-consuming tasks such as extra-curricular tutoring and group projects. For example, many students in our school play online multiplayer games such as DOTA and PUBG, which are not only exciting, but also give us the chance to Having more fun playing together than playing alone, they often lose control of time and play until late night, neglecting their assignments and revisions, as a result of which their learning efficiency is significantly undermined.

Furthermore, if children frequently play computer games, their health may be negatively influenced. To elaborate, early childhood is a period of rapid physical development, when children are susceptible to external influences. In that regard, long-time computer use exert a particularly damaging influence on them. The increased cases of shortsightedness among teenagers is a precise case in point. In recent decades, increasingly using the computer for learning and entertainment, students are exposed to fast-moving images and the radiation from computer screen for a longer time. Furthermore, many students use computers at night, which means the contrast between dark environment and the screen deepens the damage to their eyesight. A correlation between increased computer use and students’ declining eyesight is therefore observed. Had students spent less time on the computer, their eyesight would doubtlessly have been much better than it is now.

Doubtlessly, though, playing computer games allows students to relax after studying. As is broadly acknowledged, children today labor under intense competitive pressure, to which games provide a welcome relief. However, hardly could it be over-emphasized that encouraging students to play outside is a better solution in that regard, as it allows students to communicate and to build a stronger relationship with others. Thus, even as a stress relief, electronic games should not be prioritized.

In conclusion, not only are computer games distracting, they may also damage students’health. That other methods are just as effective when it comes to providing relaxation further persuades me that playing computer games is a waste of time, and should be discouraged in children.








