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2022.11.24 15:04







论证段 1:和老朋友建立的关系深厚且纯粹,和他们分享是一种快乐。

论证段 2:挫败的时刻,总是老朋友给予安慰和鼓励。





Friendship is one of the most treasured gifts life renders to each individual. There will be many old friends who will always stand by our side, and we will expand the circle of friends from job experiences who offer valuable suggestions. If asked the question which one is more significant, keeping old friends or making new friends, I am in favor of the former.

Above all, keeping old friends imparts a deep and pure sense of happiness and well-being. In primary and middle school, children may make a group of friends. In college, it is the roommates as well as some like-minded friends in the communities, student union, or clubs who have lived and studied with one for several years. These companions last for a long time, a time of thorough enjoyment and pleasure: sharing the seats, taking classes, discussing the same superstar, and so on. Old friends make it easier for people to relax from the daily pressure. As time goes by, the intention to make friends is not just that simple. However, in distant hometowns, there are always old friends cherishing the same memories of carefree childhood.

In addition, in times of frustration, one’s sorrows are divided because of the communication and company of old friends. In today’s money-oriented world, new friendships may be built on the grounds of business profits or personal gains. My sister Lucy serves a typical example. After graduation, she came to Shanghai where she made a wide range of new friends by exchanging business cards, but they will not care about her. In the face of hectic work schedules, she was so depressed to find that there were no new friends in the phone book with whom she can poured out her feelings. On the contrary, it was her old friends who saw her posting pictures of working overtime at night and called her to encourage and comfort her. Thanks to old friends, their willingness to offer emotional supports in time of difficulties contributes tremendously to the solidity of friendship.

Granted, the importance of making new friends can never be ignored, especially in the face of unfamiliar surroundings. It has been a popular trend among modern citizens to move out of their hometowns, which will cause one to lose old friends. Either in daily life or at work, a new circle of friends will be created and maintained. Thus, it should be considered a blessed privilege to gain the opportunity to establish friendships with new people who can help to overcome solitude. However, in terms of working circles, people seldom develop colleagues into friends. Because of the interests in work, they seldom talk about “private topics” with colleagues. Meanwhile, the advances in transportation and communication have eliminated the geographical barriers among people. Old friends, no matter where they are, can keep in touch with the help of such applications as Facebook, Skype or Wechat. Actually, distance makes the hearts among old friends grow fonder.

In conclusion, making new friends is essential, but I would rather get together with a few old friends who can share both happiness and sorrows.








