2024.12.03 18:11
阅读 | 听力 |
主题:Death Valley中300kg的sailing stones巨石为什么会移动。 | |
1. 风吹动(wind):阅读观点认为,Death Valley地区有大风的记录,尤其在暴雨期间,地面会变得泥泞(muddy),为石头的移动提供了条件。强风能够推动石头沿着风吹过的方向移动。 |
1. 尽管风可能推动石头移动,但并没有足够的风力能够移动陷入泥地的石头。此外,石头移动的方向与风向一致,但泥地上并没有出现类似轮胎痕迹的沟壑,表明风力不足以推动石头。 |
2. 冰面滑动(ice):阅读中提出的第二个观点是地下水在晚上结冰,形成冰层。由于Death Valley的地面是斜的,石头可能沿着冰面向下滑动。 |
2. 尽管理论上地面可能会结冰,但实际上Death Valley作为沙漠地区,缺乏足够的水分,且温度较高,冰层很难形成并维持足够时间来移动石头。 |
3. 人类活动(human activity):阅读中的第三个观点认为,这些石头的移动可能是一种恶作剧,类似于麦田怪圈,是人类恶搞行为的结果。 |
3. 如果石头的移动是人为的,现场应该会有人类或动物的痕迹。然而,现场既没有人的脚印,也没有马的踪迹,且石头移动发生在泥泞时段,这使得人为移动的可能性变得非常低。 |
Your professor is teaching a class on sociology. Write a post responding to the professor’s question.
In your response, you should
· express and support your personal opinion
· make a contribution to the discussion in your own words
An effective response will contain at least 100 words. You have ten minutes to write.
Doctor Diaz:
Some argue that factories, as major producers of pollution and waste, should be pushed to make dramatic changes in how they operate in order to protect and preserve the environment. Others contend that it is the small, cumulative actions of individuals that lead to the greatest impact, so public awareness and altered societal norms are most critical. I would like you to consider: who do you believe should make more efforts when it comes to environmental protection - factories or individuals?
Factories should take the lead on protecting the environment because their impact is massive compared to individuals. For example, a single factory can generate tons of pollution per day, dwarfing what one person produces in a lifetime. Strict regulations and greener technologies for manufacturers would lead to huge reductions in emissions and waste.
Individuals should lead on environmental protection because we can drive cultural change. By making green lifestyle choices - reducing energy, taking public transit, minimizing waste - we set an example and normalize sustainability. And by purchasing eco-products and ethical companies, everyday consumer decisions incentivize businesses to follow suit.
The cumulative effect individuals exert on the environment, as far as I’ m concerned, cannot be ignored. Individuals play a significant role in driving consumption patterns. The choices we make regarding what we buy, eat, and use directly impact the demand for certain products and resources. For instance, opting for products with minimal packaging, choosing energy-efficient appliances, or reducing meat consumption can all contribute to lessening environmental impact. In addition, everyday actions, such as transportation choices and waste management, collectively have a substantial environmental footprint. To illustrate, consider changing to walking, cycling, or public transportation instead of driving a car alone. It is no wonder that the actions stated above reduce carbon emissions. Similarly, adopting recycling and composting practices minimizes the amount of waste sent to landfills, reducing methane emissions and conserving resources. In summary, individuals should make more efforts in environmental protection due to their significant influence on consumption patterns as well as daily habits. Through collective action and personal responsibility, individuals can play a pivotal role in addressing environmental challenges and fostering a more sustainable future.