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2023.11.24 17:01

  在sat(Scholastic Assessment Test)考试中,语法部分是检验学生英语水平的重要环节,尤其是长难句的理解与分析,往往成为许多考生的难点。掌握有效的策略来解读和应对这些长难句对于提高SAT语法得分至关重要。接下来,本文将全面解析SAT语法长难句,并提供一系列实用的解题技巧,帮考生在考试中更加从容地应对。




  1. 识别主干结构 - 长难句常常含有多个修饰成分,识别出主句的主干部分是首要任务。刨去所有修饰语后,找到主语和谓语之间的关系通常有助于把握句子意义。

  2. 理解连接词的作用 - 连接词(如because, although, if等)在句子中起到承上启下的作用,了解每个连接词的含义对于理解从句关系至关重要。

  3. 区分从句类型 - 识别不同类型的从句(如定语从句、状语从句、宾语从句等)有助于理解句子结构并快速捕捉信息点。

  4. 划分逻辑分块 - 将句子分为若干逻辑块,对每块内容单独理解,然后拼合这些块的意义,从而把握整体。

  5. 关注语法提示 - 注意句中的语法提示,如时态、语态、代词指代等,它们对于捕捉句意有很大帮助。


  【1】In an increasing noisy cultural scence, with many voices competing for attention, one feels - perhaps incorrectly but none the less insistently - the need to make one's own small stir, however pathetic.


  难词解释: stir n. 骚乱,感动,搅拌;

  pathetic adj. 差劲的,可怜的,可悲的

  insistently adv. 坚持地

  语法分析:In an increasing noisy cultural scence(状语), with many voices competing for attention, one(主语)feels(谓语) - perhaps incorrectly but none the less insistently(插入语)- the need(宾语) to make one's own small stir, however pathetic.(补语)


  【2】Perhaps one can say with more than mere intuition that certain skills do atrophy through notbeing used, that an increasing reliance on electronics to mediate our apprehension of theworld does lead to the loss of certain sensitivities, and that to lose any sensitivity or awareness is limiting and unwise.


  难词解释:intuition n. 直觉 atrophy v. 萎缩,衰退 mediate v. 调停

  语法分析:Perhapsone(主语)can say(谓语)with more than mere intuition(可看做修饰谓语成分) that certain skills do atrophy through notbeing used, that an increasing reliance on electronics to mediate our apprehension of theworld does lead to the loss of certain sensitivities, and that to lose any sensitivity or awareness is limiting and unwise.(宾语从句)(that, that, and that 并列连接词)


  【3】The enemy of artists like Magritte is naive realism—the dogged assumption that the human sensory apparatus accurately records the one and only real world, of which the human brain can make but one accurate model.


  难词解释:naive adj. 天真的,轻信的 apparatus n. 器械,器具 语法分析:The enemy of artists(主语) like Magritte (谓语) naive realism—the dogged assumption(同位语) that the human sensory apparatus(主语) accurately records(谓语) the one and only real world(宾语), of which the human brain can make but one accurate model.


  【4】Not without purpose had he come down to Yorkshire:his mission was clear, and he intended to discharge it conscientiously: he anxiously desired to have his niece married; to make for her a suitable match; give her in charge to a proper husband, and wash his hands of her forever.

  长句类型:倒装 + 复杂修饰

  难词解释:discharge v. 排出,释放,解除

  was hone's hands of v. 不过问

  语法分析:Not without purpose(状语) had(谓语) he(主语) come down to(谓语)Yorkshire(宾语):his mission was clear, and he intended to discharge it conscientiously: he anxiously desired to havehis niece married; to make forher a suitable match; giveher in charge to a proper husband, and washhis hands of her forever.


  【5】It was no accident that nineteenth-century naturalist Charles Darwin strove to connectthe mentality and emotionality of people with that of dogs, rather than, say,doves or horses.

  长句类型:插入语 + 复杂修饰

  难词解释:naturalist n. 博物学家

  语法分析:It was(谓语)no accident(宾语) that nineteenth-century naturalist Charles Darwin(主语)strove to connect(谓语) the mentality and emotionality(宾语) of people with that of dogs, rather than, say(插入语),doves or horses.



  1. 密集的修饰语 - 修饰语的密集使用会使句子显得复杂难懂。此时,应试图简化句子结构,去除修饰语,抓住句子的核心意义。

  2. 过长的从句链条 - 分隔开各个从句,单独理解每一个从句的意义,最后依次组合起来。

  3. 晦涩的词汇 - 遇到不熟悉的词汇时,尝试根据上下文去猜测词义,或者依据词根词缀进行合理推断。

  4. 同位语结构 - 同位语结构常用来补充说明前面的名词,识别并理解同位语对于明确前述内容非常重要。



  The committee on public relations, a group that was established in the early 20th century to monitor the publicity of the company and that has been highly influential in shaping the company's public image, decided to implement new strategies to maintain the corporation's visibility.

  分析这个长句:首先,找到主干结构,“The committee decided to implement new strategies”是这个句子的主要框架。然后,"on public relations"是后置修饰语。两个that引导的从句补充了背景信息及其对公司公共形象的影响。最后,“to maintain the corporation's visibility”则是目的状语,说明了决定实施新策略的意图。


  1. 忽略主句框架 - 不要被细节所迷惑,时刻记住返回寻找句子的主体结构。

  2. 过度依赖翻译 - 直译可能会丢失原文的精确意义,注重理解句意而非逐词翻译。

  3. 错用语法规则 - 要正确理解和使用语法规则,切勿在没有根据的情况下盲目应用。






