新概念英语第四册课堂笔记:The Origin of Things(1)
2025.01.08 08:11

  新概念英语第四册课堂笔记:The Origin of Things(1)已发布,欢迎大家查看。新概念英语第四册内容主要针对的是基础比较薄弱的同学,为了方便同学们可以更好地巩固英语基础,小编还整理了新概念英语第四册课文、新概念英语第四册音频相关内容,便于同学们一起学习!


  New words and expressions 生词短语

  inherit vt.继承 disinherit v.剥夺继承权

  illiterate n. 文盲 literary a. 文学的 literature n.文学

  circum=surrounding 周围的

  circus 马戏团,马戏场

  circumspect a. 慎重的,周到的,小心谨慎的

  environment n. (用单数) circumstance n. (用复数)

  deprive sb. of sth. 剥夺某人机会 rob: 抢 rob sb. ofsth.

  e.g. He deprived me of the opportunity ofeducation. / He deprived me of

  freedom. / I’m

  possess: 拥有 dispossess sb. of sth.

  invest: 投资 devest: 拿走

  denude v. 使身无分文

  convince sb. of sth.e.g. He convinced me of his honesty. (强调结果)

  persuade sb. to do sth.e.g. She persuade me to go shopping with her.


  His speech is very convincing. (具有说服力)

  enlightened: 受到启迪

  Listen to both sides, you will be enlightened. (兼听则明)

  the enlightenment 启蒙运动 We should base on understanding on reason.

  1. ancient philosopher (Aristotle)

  2. Renaissance (文艺复兴)

  3. scientific revolution

  Religion always regarded human as vicious. (well-natured: 人性本善)

  Famous figures: Bacon, Locke, Rousseau《The Confessions》

  instruct: 指导 instructor 辅导员 cycle of instruction 教学周期

  punctuate vt.加强,介入,加标点

  underline: 加强

  fortify: 加强(工事)

  intensify: 强化

  preach sermon

  missionary: 带着任务到国外传教

  defendant n. 被告 (plaintiff: 原告 prosecutor: 原告(尤指刑事)

  MA=master of arts: 硕士 PHD:博士 defendant: 论文的答辩者 defend my thesis

  mental outlook: 精神面貌 world outlook: 世界观


  capacity n. 能力 breath capacity: 肺活量

  capability/caliber: high caliber

  in the capacity of: 以什么身份

  e.g. In the capacity of a chairman, I extend a warm welcome to all the


  acupuncture 针灸术

  inherit vt.

  inheritor: 继承人

  people/folk: 民族 (high civilized)

  tribe: backward Mongolian tribe 蒙古部落

  clan: 氏族 maternal: 母系 paternal: 父系

  illiterate n. 文盲

  literate: 有文化的

  antiilliteracy 扫盲

  compulsory service system 义务服役制

  compulsory course 必修科目

  optional/selective course: 选修科目


  I deem him right.

  He hampers my progress.

  block / thwart

  shackle: 枷锁

  impede: 阻止

  jungle law: 丛林法则

  the survival of the fittest 适者生存

  savannah: 大草原(比较潮湿的湿地) in South America

  delinquency juvenile delinquency


  crime 非常严重 commit

  sin: 可以饶恕的罪行 Amitabha

  guilt: (抽象)犯罪 I am guilty.

  confront vt. 面对 (face 的书面用语)

  confront difficulty / be confronted with

  There’s a confrontation between the two nations.

  Notes on the text 课文注释

  key words: 关键词 / an=once, 表强调 / victim: 牺牲品 / adverse

  deprived: 被剥夺 (Only with education can a man be successful. )


  Education is one of the key words of our time. a man without an education,

  many of us believe, is an unfortunate victim of adverse circumstances deprived of one of the

  greatest twentieth-century opportunities.

  (As an apple is not an apple in any things until it is ripe, so a man

  without education is not aman in any things. )

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