2024.03.27 08:03


  New words and expression 生词和短语

  Southampton n.南安普敦(英国港市)

  Colossal adj.庞大的(=large in size)

  -- A ship Titanic was colossal.

  -- A colossal monument / A colossal statue

  -- You give me a big surprise.

  -- He is a big person.(重要)

  -- The box is big.(large and heavy)

  large(体积大 、数量大)

  -- an?empty?large?box(体积大) / a?large?number?of?people(数量大)


  vast?(辽阔、广阔)?-- vast?desert

  immense(adj.极广大的, 无边的)

  -- immense=immeasurable?不可测量的 (measurable adj.可测量的)

  -- an immense stadium / an immense iceberg

  enormous(重点突出数量、程度、体积)---强调程度时比big语气, 且更正式。

  -- We had an enormous lunch.

  -- He made a big success. / He made an enormous success.

  Giant(n.巨人, 大力士 adj.庞大的, 巨大的)=gigantic(adj.巨人般的, 巨大的)

  -- a?giant?person?

  tremendous (=big、fast、powerful)

  -- The plane is travelling at tremendous speed.


  -- The?ship?is?titanic.


  -- 强调体积大a?huge?stone / 数量巨大a?huge?sum?of?money

  watertight adj.不漏水的 (-- a watertight ship)


  -- watertight?arguments 无懈可击的论点 / watertight?excuse 毫无破绽的借口

  water proof(adj.防水的) proof(adj.不能透入的)

  -- waterproof?watch 防水手表 / waterproof?coat 防水雨衣

  compartment n.(轮船的)密封舱

  flood v.充满水(=be filled with water)

  -- The ship is flooded.

  -- The room was flooded with moonlight.

  -- Our classroom is flooded with sunshine.

  Flood n.洪水(-- in?flood 洪水泛滥)

  -- During the rains, the river is in flood

  引申表示连续不断的、滔滔不绝的(-- in?a?flood?of?words?)

  -- She blamed her husband in a flood of words on seeing him.

  Float v.漂浮, 飘浮=drift(vi,vt漂浮, 漂荡, 漂流 n.漂流物, 漂流)

  tragic adj.悲惨的(=unfortunate)-- a tragic accident

  miserable(adj.痛苦的, 悲惨的)

  bitter adj.痛苦的

  tragedy n.悲剧, 惨案(-- in?tragedy以悲剧形式)

  -- The holiday ended in tragedy.

  Comedy n.喜剧

  comic adj.喜剧的, 滑稽的

  comical adj.古怪的, 可笑的(含有贬义)

  liner n.班船

  voyage n.航行(海上航行)/ flight飞行 / journey长途行程

  -- The voyage is more than the old lady can bear.

  navigation 航海, 航行学, 航海[航空]术

  -- navigation light 夜航灯光, 导航灯

  Iceberg n.冰山

  lookout n.了望员

  collision n.碰撞

  collide? vi?碰撞, 抵触

  -- The plane collided with the mountain.

  无效? v.坠毁

  -- It is said that there is an airplane that 无效ed in the mountains.

  conflict? vi.和某事(某人)相抵触

  -- My idea conflicts with yours.

  clash? vi.相冲突

  -- His?wedding?clashed?with?my?examination, so?I?couldn‘t?go.

  Narrowly adv.刚刚,勉强地

  miss v.避开

  slight adj.轻微的

  tremble v.震颤(有规律的、小幅度的抖动)

  -- Look, your hands are trembling. what‘s wrong with you?

  Shiver ?v.强调由于寒冷、惧怕而一连串地抖动

  -- I found he‘s shivering in a cold.

  shudder? vi.强调全身的颤栗

  -- The boy is shuddering, why? Because he was frightened.

  Faint adj.微弱的(=weak adj.弱的, 虚弱的)

  -- faint sound, weak sound / weak voice, faint voice

  =unconscious(adj.失去知觉, 无意识的)

  -- He has been faint for a long time.

  slight? adj.轻微的, 微不足道的

  -- a slight headache 点轻微的头疼 / a slight book 一本微不足道的书

  horror n.恐惧

  abandon v.抛弃(因为某事而被迫放弃自己喜爱的事物)

  -- He abandoned his research because of the war.

  desert?(vt.放弃, 遗弃, 离弃)

  -- desert the army / desert the duty / desert his family

  plunge v.投入,跳入(=jump or rush suddenly and wildly)

  -- He got so angry that he plunge into the water.

  -- When the ship Titanic sank in the ocean, a large number of people plunged into...


  -- The boy is jumping up and down.

  Leap vt. 跳跃, 跳越(-- He?leapt?out?of?the?sleeping?bad.)

  Dive vi.潜水, 跳水, 下潜, 俯冲

  lifeboat n.救生船

  passenger n.乘客, 旅客

  crew n.全体人员 ton n.吨, 大量, 许多

  unsinkable adj.不会下沉的,不会沉底的

  sinking n.沉没 Atlantic n.大西洋 adj.大西洋的

  Alarm n.警报

  Sharply adj.突然地, 急剧地, 强烈地, 尖锐地

  Direct adj.直接的, 笔直的

  Trembling adj.发抖的, 震颤的, 颤抖的 n.发抖, 震颤

  Text 课文

  What would have happened if only two of the sixteen water-tight compartments had been flooded?

  The great ship, Titanic, sailed for New York from Southampton on April 10th, 1912.

  The?great?ship, Titanic, sailed?for... 背景介绍

  sail?for… 航海去往某处

  set?out?for / set off for 出发去往某处

  leave for / head for / make for 出发去往某处

  -- He will set out for the Atlantic.

  -- The plane is making for the airport.

  -- We are heading for Canada.

  She was carrying 1,316 passengers and a crew of 891.

  She was carrying... (carry?表示载有)

  a?crew?of 一组人员

  Even by modern standards, the 46,000 ton Titanic was a colossal ship.



  -- by?regulation依据规则 (regulation n.规则, 规章)

  -- by?rules依据条例(rule n.规则, 惯例)

  -- by?our?estimate 依据我们的估计(estimate n.估计, 估价, 评估 v.估计, 估价, 评估)

  -- by?one‘s?looks?=by?one‘s?appearance 根据某人的长相(appearance n.外貌, 出现)

  according?to… 依据(事实、课文等客观存在的现实)

  -- according?to?the?fact 依据事实

  -- according?to?the?text 依据这篇课文

  in accordance with=according to

  in?accordance?with… 依据(法律等),更加正式

  -- in accordance with law / in accordance with rules

  in?my?opinion 在我看来

  At the time, however, she was not only the largest ship that had ever been built, but was

  regarded as unsinkable, for she had sixteen watertight compartments.

  At?that?time 在当时

  not?only... but(also)... 不仅…而且…

  be?regarded?as=be?considered?to?be=be?thought?of?as 把...看作为

  口语中:regard? + (

  -- I regard his idea as totally unacceptable.(adj.无法接受的, 不受欢迎的)

  -- We can‘t regard the matter as settled.(adj.定下的, 决定的)


  Even if two of these were flooded, she would still be able to float.

  be?able?to 强调有能力

  The tragic sinking of this great liner will always be remembered, for she went down on her

  first voyage with heavy loss of life.

  be?remembered 被永远记住 (always adv.永远, 始终, 总是)

  go down=sink

  on?her?first?voyage 处女航, 首航

  with?heavy?loss?of?life 损失惨重, 造成大批人员的死亡

  Four days after setting out, while the Titanic was sailing across the icy water of the North

  Atlantic, huge iceberg was suddenly spotted by a lookout.

  four days after setting out...=four days after setting off...


  icy(adj.冰冷的, 冷淡的, 盖着冰的) waters(n.水域, 海域)

  After the alarm had been given, the great ship turned sharply to avoid a direct collision.

  the?alarm?had?been?given 发出警报

  to?avoid... 不定式表目的

  The Titanic turned just in time, narrowly missing the immense wall of ice which rose over

  100 feet out of the water beside her.

  Just in time 很及时

  Missing… 现在分词做状语, 对主句的补充说明


  Suddenly, there was a slight trembling sound from below, and the captain went down to see

  what had happened.

  from?below 从下方 / from?above 从上方

  The noise had been so faint that no one though that the ship had been damaged.

  So faint that no one thought that...(so...that…)

  Below, the captain realized to his horror that the Titanic was sinking rapidly, for five of her

  sixteen watertight compartments had already been flooded!

  to?one‘s?horror 使某人感到惊恐

  to?one‘s?surprise 使某人感到惊讶

  The order to abandon ship was given and hundreds of people plunged into the icy water.

  The?order?was?given 命令被下达 / to?abandon?ship 弃船(不定式做定语)

  -- be able to do sth 能够做某事 / the ability to do sth 做某事的能力

  -- order sb to do sth 命令某人做某事 / the order to do sth 做某事的命令

  -- be?capable?of?doing?sth 有能力做某事 / capability?of?doing?sth 做某事的能力

  ability(n.能力, 才干)

  capable(adj.有能力的, 能干的, 有可能的)

  capability(n.能力, 才能, 才干)

  As there were not enough lifeboats for everybody, 1,500 lives were lost.


  Special difficulties 难点


  如果是以不发音的e结尾的, 只加r(表示行为的主动者, 做某事的人)。

  work à worker / teachàteacher / writeàwriter / readàreader

  murder(vt.谋杀, 凶杀)à murderer(n.杀人犯, 凶手)





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