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Official 44 Task 2
Create Student Committee to Decide Funding for Student Organizations

I think students should be in charge of deciding which student organizations (for example, the jazz band or the hiking club) receive money from the university. Students should also be in charge of how much money each organization receives. A special committee made up of students could be created to make these decisions. Currently, these funding decisions are made by university administrators, but a student committee would know better than the administrators which organizations are most important to students and most deserving of the university's financial support. I’m sure a lot of students would be interested in serving on the committee, and those who do serve will gain valuable leadership experience.

Narrator: Now listen to two students discussing the letter.
Woman: So what do you think of the proposal?
Man: I don't like it.
Woman: Why not?
Man: Actually, I don't think students are the right people to be making these decisions.
They are too close to the situation.
Woman: What do you mean?
Man: Well, because students are directly involved in the groups,
they can't be as objective, as fair as administrators.
I mean what will prevent students on the committee from just giving money to their friends' groups or favoring the groups they're in themselves?
I think having the university administrators make the decisions is more fair.
Woman: Well, at least it would be good experience for the students who serve on the committee.
Man: Well, that's another thing.
I think they'd have a hard time finding students to serve on it.
I mean, there are already a number of leadership positions open in various campus groups,
but most students just aren't interested in them.
Woman: That's true. The Student Council doesn't even have a vice president.
Man: Right. Most students are just too busy.
There's no way you're going to find enough students who are willing to volunteer their time for this committee.
It's too big of a time commitment.
The man expresses his opinion of the letter writer's proposal. State his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.