题干分析:定位词Immanuel Kant;利用定位词定位到第五段第二句,说德国哲学家Immanuel Kant认为,化学反应并不足以支撑太阳在千年里放射出来的巨大能量。
A选项说could not be sustained through chemical reactions over the long term对应第五段的第二句。其中could not be sustained through chemical reactions对应chemical reactions could not supply the tremendous amount of energy;
B选项说came from compression resulting from the force of gravity,这是后面提及的观点,不是题干所问的Immanuel Kant所提的。属于张冠李戴。
C选项说was largely the result of chemical reactions,而原文说的是chemical reactions could not supply the tremendous amount of energy,与原文描述不符。
D选项说was necessary to fuel most of the chemical reactions on Earth,文中无此信息,属于无中生有。
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