原文分析:简化题考察找主干和逻辑的能力,原文提炼的核心内容是“Not all botanists agree with an African-South American center for the evolution and dispersal of the angiosperms”,再提炼汉语意思:并不是所有的植物学家都同意被子植物的进化和传播在非洲-南美中心这一观点。
B选项说很多植物学家认为被子植物最原始的形态在南太平洋被发现质疑了被子植物的进化开始于非洲和南美的理论。call into question the theory对应Not all botanists agree with,与高亮句主干意思相符。
A选项:“Some botanists who agree with”与原句Not all botanists agree with相矛盾
C选项:“more primitive than angiosperms in other parts of the world”比较级原句未提及,无中生有
D选项:“disagree over whether the most primitive forms of living plants”与原句Not all botanists agree with内容不一致,同时D选项没有涉及主干信息
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