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Official 38 Con 1
Question 1 of 5
What do the speakers mainly discuss?


How the student can get permission to stay on campus over the summer


Whether the student can switch to a single room


The university's rules for keeping dorm rooms well maintained


The student's best options for housing over the summer





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Narrator: Listen to a conversation between a student and an employee in the university housing office.

Employee: Hi. Can I help you?

Student: I hope so.

I am taking a class this summer and I need to see about getting campus housing.

Employee: Oh, sorry.

I am afraid the deadline to apply for summer housing in the dormitories has already passed.

I could help you look for something off campus.

Student: Well, see, I only found out yesterday I need to take this course.

It wasn't really my idea.

I mean I was gonna take it in the fall.

It is a course I need for my major in Cognitive Science, Professor Wilson was supposed to teach it but now...

Employee: Oh, right. I heard he is taking a last-minute leave of absence next year.

I hope everything is okay.

Student: Oh yeah. He'll be in Botswana helping develop the new cognitive science program at our sister university there.

Anyway I have to take the course this summer if I want to graduate on time.

I’ve got a note from the dean approving the whole situation.

Employee: Oh, well, in that case I guess we'd better make an exception for you.

Only problem is most of the bedrooms are gone already.

Was there any particular dorm you were interested in?

Student: Well, I’m in Randolph Hall right now, but my roommate's graduating in May so I have signed up for a single in Murphy for the fall, room 206.

I was hoping I might be able to just move in there now.

Employee: Well, let's see what the computer says.

Sorry, that room's scheduled for repainting and maintenance over the summer.

So I can't give it to you.

Student: I don't really care if it's repainted.

I’ll be covering most of the walls with posters anyway.

Couldn't I just take it as is?

Employee: Sorry, no. It is actually a city ordinance.

All rental rooms including dorm rooms have to be painted at least once every five years.

Student: Oh, well, how about if I stay where I’m for the summer?

I’m pretty sure they just painted it a couple years ago.

Employee: Hang on, let me check.

You said Randolph, right?

Student: Room 122.

Employee: Oops. Afraid not.

The entire floor is taken.

Student: Oh, well. Guess I’ll just have to move twice.

Employee: One sec. I've got one more idea.

Here we go. There is a room open in Murphy just down the hall from your new one.

That way come fall, you'd only have to carry your things a few doors down.

Student: Okay, works for me.

Employee: Now, that room is a double.

Right now you have got it to yourself but there's a chance someone else might sign up at the last minute, not likely.

But you could end up with a roommate for the summer.

Would that be okay?

Student: Oh, sure. I can get along with anyone for a couple of months.

Employee: Okay, then, I will get the forms printed up.

They should be ready for you by tomorrow afternoon.

You can stop by and sign them then.

Student: Excellent, thanks.