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Official 36 Con 2
Question 3 of 5
Why does the woman mention the university’s monthly meetings?


To explain that students have a way to discuss their complains on campus


To suggest that the student present his proposal for a talk show at the next meeting


To mention that his proposal was the topic of a previous meeting


To explain the process of approval for new radio shows





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Narrator: Listen to a conversation between a student and the program manager of the university radio station.

Student: Hi I'm Jim, the guy who's trying to get a new show.

Manager: Right. Jim.

Student: My application got turned down and...um...I am not sure why.

So I wonder if you could explain...

Manager: I'm glad you came in, Jim.

I was actually quite impressed with your application.

Student: Okay.

Manager: But the thing is, we run a music station here, not a talk station.

We've been a music station since the beginning, since the station's inception.

Student: This is where I get confused because of the article in last month's campus newspaper about the poll...

Manager: Yes. The survey...

Student: I mean, a majority of students said they felt the station was stale, that it needed a breath of fresh air.

Well, um, how are we supposed to get fresh air if you keep all the windows closed?

I was just trying to open some windows for people.

Manager: I can tell you have a lot of passion for this, but I'm really not convinced it's a good idea. Okay.

The first thing is, again, this is a music station.

If we just have that one calling show, it just doesn't fit in with what we are doing.

And studies have showed that mixed format stations just aren't as successful as...

Look. We do want to innovate, but within the format.

And with a live calling show, for one thing, you have no idea what the caller is going to say, no idea what you could end up broadcasting.

Student: I understand, but that seems like a small risk to take in exchange for giving students a chance to talk publicly, interactively about issues they care about.

I really think they'd like to have a place where they can air their views about current events, about the university.

Manager: But the university already has that.

There's a monthly meeting open to all students to discuss issues like the ones you mentioned in your application.

And there are several student clubs on campus that discuss current events.

But either way we have no plans to change the format.

Now, if you had an innovative idea for a new music program...

Student: Well...how about a music program that includes taking calls from listeners?

Manager: You really are determined to have a calling show, huh?

Student: Well, I'm a communications major, and I'm hoping to get an internship at a professional talk radio show in the city next year.

I thought a little experience with the college station might help.

Manager: Tell you what, there's still some time before the application deadline.

Why don't you submit a new application with the music show idea that you just proposed?

Then we will see if we can work something out.

Student: Okay. Thanks!