Choice A is the best answer. While Beecher and Grimké clearly disagree regarding a woman's role in society, the passages suggest that both authors share the belief that women do have moral duties and responsibilities in society. In Passage 1, Beecher writes that "while woman holds a subordinate relation in society to the other sex, it is not because it was designed that her duties or her influence should be any the less important, or all-pervading" (lines 6-10,"to...of"). She suggests that women do have an obligation to use their influence to bring about beneficial changes in society. In Passage 2, Grimké asserts that all people "are moral beings" (lines 58-59"Human ...moral") and that both men and women have "rights and responsibilities" (line 68,"rights...To"). She concludes that "whatever it is morally right for man to do, it is morally right for woman to do" (lines 81-83,"nothingness...from").
Choice B is incorrect because neither author suggests that when men work to bring about political changes, they often do so out of consideration for others rather than considerations for themselves. Choice C is incorrect because neither passage discusses the value given to women's ethical obligations, although both authors suggest that women do have ethical and moral obligations. Choice D is incorrect because in Passage 1 Beecher argues that women should avoid direct political activism, cautioning against actions that would put them outside their "appropriate sphere" (line 46,"appropriate ...are").