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Questions 16-20
What does the speaker suggest would be helpful for each of the following areas of voluntary work?
Choose FIVE answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-G, next to Questions 16–20.

Helpful things volunteers might offer
A experience on stage
B original, new ideas
C parenting skills
D an understanding of food and diet
E retail experience
F a good memory
G a good level of fitness

 Area of voluntary work
16 Fundraising 
17 Litter collection 
18 'Playmates' 
19 Story club 
20 First aid 

OK, so let's take a look at some of the work areas that we need volunteers for and the sort of things that would help you in those.


You may wish simply to help us raise money.


If you have the creativity to come up with an imaginative or novel way of fundraising, we'd be delighted, as standing in the local streets or shops with a collection box can be rather boring!


One outdoor activity that we need volunteers for is litter collection and for this it's useful if you can walk for long periods, sometimes uphill.


Some of our regular collectors are quite elderly, but very active and keen to protect the environment.


If you enjoy working with children, we have three vacancies for what are called 'playmates'.


These volunteers help children learn about staying healthy through a range of out-of-school activities.


You don't need to have children yourself, but it's good if you know something about nutrition and can give clear instructions.


If that doesn't appeal to you, maybe you would be interested in helping out at our story club for disabled children, especially if you have done some acting.


We put on three performances a year based on books they have read and we're always looking for support with the theatrical side of this.


The last area I'll mention today is first aid.


Volunteers who join this group can end up teaching others in vulnerable groups who may be at risk of injury.


Initially, though, your priority will be to take in a lot of information and not forget any important steps or details.


Right, so does anyone have any questions …



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