2024.04.17 16:22


  1. 艾滋病(AIDS)

  2. 人类免疫缺陷病毒(human immunodeficiency virus,简称 HIV)

  3. 人体免疫功能: immune system

  4. 感染和肿瘤: infection tumors

  5. 后天获得而不是先天: acquired inborn

  6. 发病机理: pathogenesis

  7. 恶性和良性: malignant benign

  8. 复杂症状: complications

  9. 病例: case

  10. 艾滋病病毒携带者: HIV carriers

  11. 血液: blood

  12. 精液: semen

  13. 阴道分泌物: vaginal discharge

  14. 皮肤粘膜: skin mucous membranes

  15. 炎症: inflammation

  16. 溃疡: ulcer

  17. 渗出液: percolate

  18. 唾液: saliva

  19. 泪水: tears

  20. 汗液: sweat

  21. 尿液: urine

  22. 病毒: virus

  23. 传染性: infection

  24. 性传播:sex contact

  25. 血传播: blood contact

  26. 母婴: infant contact

  27. 急性期: acute

  28. 潜伏期: incubation

  29. 淋巴结肿大: lymph node enlargement

  30. 晚期: later period

  31. 发热: fever

  32. 腹泻: diarrhea

  33. 体重减轻: weigh loss

  34. 二重感染: double infection

  35. 免疫调节剂: immunomodifier

  36. 感染药物: infection drugs

  37. 免疫: immune

  38. 中药: Chinese medicine

  39. 鸡尾洒疗法: the cocktail therapy

  40. 公共设施: communal facilties

  41. 咳嗽: cough

  42. 喷嚏: sneezing

  43. 蚊虫叮咬: mosquito bite

  44. 性道德: sex morals

  45. 注射器: syringe

  46. 吸毒:drug taking

  47. 输血: blood transfusion

  48. 注射: injection

  49. 拔牙: pulling out tooth

  50. 血液制品: blood products

  51. 运动: physical exercises

  52. 特殊设备: special equipment

  53. 生命活力: vigor

  54. 延年益寿: life expectancy

  55. 做操: take exercise

  56. 保健: health

  57. 关节: joint

  58. 筋骨: physique

  59. 气血流通: blood circulation

  60. 五脏: the five internal organs

  61. 血液: blood

  62. 骨骼: bones

  63. 肌肉: muscle

  64. 韧带: ligament

  65. 呼吸: breathing

  66. 循环: circulation

  67. 消化: digestion

  68. 泌尿: urinary

  69. 内分泌: endocrine

  70. 神经系统: nerve system

  71. 内脏: internal organs

  72. 生理平衡: physiological equilibrium

  73. 新陈代谢: metabolism

  74. 骨质疏松: osteoporosis

  75. 柔软灵活: flexibility

  76. 疼痛: pain

  77. 血管壁沉淀物: the vessel wall sediment

  78. 按摩: massage

  79. 血管平滑肌: vascular smooth muscle

  80. 生理机能: physiological function

  81. 胆固醇: cholesterol

  82. 高血压: blood pressure

  83. 热量: calorie

  84. 过度紧张: tension

  85. 健美和减肥: fitness weight loss

  86. 冠心病: coronary diseases

  87. 高血压: pressure

  88. 脑出血: cerebral hemorrhage

  89. 后遗症: sequelae

  90. 关节炎: arthritis

  91. 胃肠病: gastroenteropathy

  92. 反臂背向行走法: the arm back to walk

  93. 穴: hole/point

  94. 老年痴呆症: AD (Alzheimer’s disease)

  95. 摆臂行走法: The swing arm walking method

  96. 肩周炎: periathritis of shoulder

  97. 气管炎: trachitis

  98. 肺气肿:emphysema

  99. 腹部: belly/abdomen

  100. 消极: negative/passive

  101. 血液稀释: hemodilution

  102. 血管栓塞: vessel embolization

  103. 心理刺激: mental stimulation

  104. 焦虑: anxiety

  105. 抑郁: depression

  106. 紧张: tension

  107. 恐惧: fear

  108. 生理反应: physiological reaction

  109. 手术神经症: surgery neurosis

  110. 频发手术症: frequent operations

  111. 器官移植: organ grafting/organ transplantation

  112. 清创: debridement

  113. 缝合: suture/seaming

  114. 阑尾切除术: appendicectomy

  115. 肾脏移植: kidney transplantation

  116. 心脏冠脉搭桥术: coronary artery bypass grafting

  117. 剖腹探查: abdominal laparotomy

  118. 心导管检查: cardiac catheterization

  119. 病理切片: pathological section

  120. 疼痛: pain

  121. 大量出血: bleeding

  122. 组织损伤: tissue damage

  123. 生理:physiology

  124. 心理: psychology

  125. 性格缺陷: defects in character/character flaw

  126. 情绪反应: emotional reaction

  127. 心身症: psychophysical disorder

  128. 心悸: palpitation

  129. 气促: shortness of breath/anhelation

  130. 胸闷: sense of suppression in the chest

  131. 出汗: perspiration

  132. 失眠: insomnia

  133. 血压升高: high blood pressure

  134. 儿茶酚胺: catecholamine

  135. 交感神经兴奋: sympathetic nerve

  136. 冠心病: coronary diseases

  137. 脑血管疾病: cerebralvascular disease

  138. 肾上腺素: epinephrine

  139. 皮质类固醇: corticosteroids

  140. 分泌:secretion

  141. 免疫机制: immune system

  142. 细菌感染: bacterial infection

  143. 并发症: complication

  144. 恶性肿瘤: malignant tumor

  145. 调控方法: regulation control

  146. 脱敏治疗法: desensitization

  147. 爱抚: tender care

  148. 思想负担: the thought burden

  149. 心率测试仪: the heart rate tester

  150. 拿脉: take the pulse




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