You use times to show multiplication. Three times five is 3x5.
Four times six is 24.
Time is what we measure in minutes, hours, days, and years.
a two-week period of time.
Time passed, and still Ma did not appear.
You use time to ask or talk about a specific point in the day, which can be stated in hours and minutes and is shown on clocks.
'What time is it?'—'Eight o'clock.'
“几点了?” “8点。”
He asked me the time.
The time when something happens is the point in the day when it happens or is supposed to happen.
Departure times are 08:15 from Baltimore, and 10:15 from Newark.
You use time to refer to the system of expressing time and counting hours that is used in a particular part of the world.
The incident happened just after ten o'clock local time.
You use time to refer to the period that you spend doing something or when something has been happening.
Adam spent a lot of time in his grandfather's office.
He wouldn't have the time or money to take care of me.
Listen to me, I haven't got much time.
It's obvious that you need more time to think.
If you say that something has been happening for a time, you mean that it has been happening for a fairly long period of time.
He was also for a time an art critic.
He stayed for quite a time.
You use time to refer to a period of time or a point in time, when you are describing what is happening then. For example, if something happened at a particular time, that is when it happened. If it happens at all times, it always happens.
We were in the same college, which was male-only at that time.
By this time he was thirty.
It was a time of terrible uncertainty.
You use time or times to talk about a particular period in history or in your life.
They were hard times and his parents had been struggling to raise their family.
We'll be alone together, just like old times.
You can use the times to refer to the present time and to modern fashions, tastes, and developments. For example, if you say that someone keeps up with the times, you mean they are fashionable or aware of modern developments. If you say they are behind the times, you mean they are unfashionable or not aware of them.
This approach is now seriously out of step with the times.
When you describe the time that you had on a particular occasion or during a particular part of your life, you are describing the sort of experience that you had then.
Sarah and I had a great time while the kids were away.
Your time is the amount of time that you have to live, or to do a particular thing.
Now that Martin has begun to suffer the effects of AIDS, he says his time is running out.
If you say it is time for something, time to do something, or time you did something, you mean that this thing ought to happen or be done now.
Opinion polls indicated a feeling among the public that it was time for a change.
It was time for him to go to work.
When you talk about a time when something happens, you are referring to a specific occasion when it happens.
Every time she travels on the bus it's delayed by at least three hours.
You use time after numbers to say how often something happens.
It was her job to make tea three times a day.
You use times after numbers when comparing one thing to another and saying, for example, how much bigger, smaller, better, or worse it is.
Its profits are rising four times faster than the average company.
Someone's time in a race is the amount of time it takes them to finish the race.
He was over a second faster than his previous best time.
about time
If you say it is about time that something was done, you are saying in an emphatic way that it should happen or be done now, and really should have happened or been done sooner.
It's about time a few film makers with original ideas were given a chance.
ahead of time
If you do something ahead of time, you do it before a particular event or before you need to, in order to be well prepared.
Find out ahead of time what regulations apply to your situation.
ahead of your time , before your time
If someone is ahead of their time or before their time, they have new ideas a long time before other people start to think in the same way.
He was indeed ahead of his time in employing women, ex-convicts, and handicapped people.
all the time
If something happens or is done all the time, it happens or is done continually.
We can't be together all the time.
at a time
You say at a time after an amount to say how many things or how much of something is involved in one action, place, or group.
Beat in the eggs, one at a time.
at any time
If something could happen at any time, it is possible that it will happen very soon, though nobody can predict exactly when.
Conditions are still very tense and the fighting could escalate at any time.
at one time
If you say that something was the case at one time, you mean that it was the case during a particular period in the past.
At one time 400 men, women and children lived in the village.
at the same time
If two or more things exist, happen, or are true at the same time, they exist, happen, or are true together although they seem to contradict each other.
I was afraid of her, but at the same time I really liked her.
At the same time is used to introduce a statement that slightly changes or contradicts the previous statement.
I don't think I set out to come up with a different sound for each CD. At the same time, I do have a sense of what is right for the moment.
at times
You use at times to say that something happens or is true on some occasions or at some moments.
The debate was highly emotional at times.
for all time
If you say that something will be the case for all time, you mean that it will always be the case.
He promised to love her for all time.
for the time being
If something is the case or will happen for the time being, it is the case or will happen now, but only until something else becomes possible or happens.
For the time being, however, immunotherapy is still in its experimental stages.
from time to time
If you do something from time to time, you do it occasionally but not regularly.
Her daughters visited him from time to time when he was bedridden.
half the time
If you say that something is the case half the time you mean that it often is the case.
Half the time, I don't have the slightest idea what he's talking about.
in time
If you are in time for a particular event, you are not too late for it.
I arrived just in time for my flight to Hawaii.
in time , given time
If you say that something will happen in time or given time, you mean that it will happen eventually, when a lot of time has passed.
He would sort out his own problems, in time.
in time , out of time
If you are playing, singing, or dancing in time with a piece of music, you are following the rhythm and speed of the music correctly. If you are out of time with it, you are not following the rhythm and speed of the music correctly.
Her body swayed in time with the music.
in a week's time , in a year's time , in a few minutes' time
If you say that something will happen, for example, in a week's time or in two years' time, you mean that it will happen a week from now or two years from now.
Presidential elections are due to be held in ten days' time.
in good time
If you arrive somewhere in good time, you arrive early so that there is time to spare before a particular event.
We got there in good time for the opening ceremony.
in no time , in next to no time
If something happens in no time or in next to no time, it happens almost immediately or very quickly.
He's going to be just fine. At his age he'll heal in no time.
keep time
If you keep time when playing or singing music, you follow or play the beat, without going too fast or too slowly.
As he sang he kept time on a small drum.
When you talk about how well a watch or clock keeps time, you are talking about how accurately it measures time.
Some pulsars keep time better than the Earth's most accurate clocks.
make time
If you make time for a particular activity or person, you arrange to have some free time so that you can do the activity or spend time with the person.
Before leaving the city, be sure to make time for a shopping trip.
make good time
If you say that you made good time on a trip, you mean it did not take you very long compared to the length of time you expected it to take.
They had left early in the morning, on quiet roads, and made good time.
make up for lost time
If someone is making up for lost time, they are doing something actively and with enthusiasm because they have not had the opportunity to do it before or when they were younger.
Five years older than the majority of officers of his same rank, he was determined to make up for lost time.
nine times out of ten
If you say that something happens or is the case nine times out of ten or ninety-nine times out of a hundred, you mean that it happens on nearly every occasion or is almost always the case.
When they want something, nine times out of ten they get it.
of all time
If you say that someone or something is, for example, the best writer of all time, or the most successful film of all time, you mean that they are the best or most successful that there has ever been.
'Monopoly' is one of the best-selling games of all time.
on time
If you are on time, you are not late.
Don't worry, she'll be on time.
only a matter of time , only a question of time , just a matter of time
If you say that it is only a matter of time or only a question of time before something happens, you mean that it cannot be avoided and will definitely happen at some future date.
It now seems only a matter of time before they resign.
pass the time
If you do something to pass the time you do it because you have some time available and not because you really want to do it.
Without particular interest and just to pass the time, I read a story.
take time
If you say that something will take time, you mean that it will take a long time.
Change will come, but it will take time.
take your time
If you take your time doing something, you do it slowly and do not hurry.
'Take your time,' Ted told him. 'I'm in no hurry.'
tell the time
If a child can tell the time, they are able to find out what the time is by looking at a clock or watch.
My four-year-old daughter cannot quite tell the time.
time after time
If something happens time after time, it happens in a similar way on many occasions.
Burns had escaped from jail time after time.
time flies
If you say that time flies, you mean that it seems to pass very quickly.
Time flies when you're having fun.
no time to lose
If you say there is no time to lose or no time to be lost, you mean you must hurry as fast as you can to do something.
He rushed home, realizing there was no time to lose.
time will tell
If you say that time will tell whether something is true or correct, you mean that it will not be known until some time in the future whether it is true or correct.
Only time will tell whether Broughton's optimism is justified.
waste no time
If you waste no time in doing something, you take the opportunity to do it immediately or quickly.
Tom wasted no time in telling me why he had come.
times , timing , timed
If you time something for a particular hour, day, or period, you plan or decide to do it or cause it to happen at this time.
He timed the election to coincide with new measures to boost the economy.
I timed our visit for March 7.
If you time an action or activity, you measure how long someone takes to do it or how long it lasts.
A radar gun timed the speed of the baseball.