Reverse means opposite from what you expect or to what has just been described.
The wrong attitude will have exactly the reverse effect.
If your car is in reverse, you have changed gears so that you can drive it backwards.
He lurched the car in reverse along the ruts to the access road.
If you say that one thing is the reverse of another, you are emphasizing that the first thing is the complete opposite of the second thing.
He was not at all jolly. Quite the reverse.
The reverse or the reverse side of a flat object which has two sides is the less important or the other side.
A chart on the reverse of this letter highlights your savings.
reverse the charges
If you reverse the charges when you make a telephone call, the person who you are phoning pays the cost of the call and not you.
in reverse
If something happens in reverse or goes into reverse, things happen in the opposite way from what usually happens or from what has been happening.
Amis tells the story in reverse, from the moment the man dies.
reverses , reversing , reversed
When someone or something reverses a decision, policy, or trend, they change it to the opposite decision, policy, or trend.
They have made it clear they will not reverse the decision to increase prices.
The rise, the first in 10 months, reversed the downward trend in Belgium's jobless rate.
If you reverse the order of a set of things, you arrange them in the opposite order, so that the first thing comes last.
Because the normal word order is reversed in passive sentences, they are sometimes hard to follow.
If you reverse the positions or functions of two things, you change them so that each thing has the position or function that the other one had.
He reversed the position of the two stamps.
When a car reverses or when you reverse it, the car is driven backwards.