Play is the activity of spending time doing enjoyable things, such as using toys and taking part in games.
a few hours of play until the babysitter puts them to bed.
Play is the action of taking part in a sport or game.
They've got more exciting players and a more exciting style of play.
Play is the activity of competing against another person or team in a sport or game.
Fischer won after 5 hours and 41 minutes of play.
A play is a piece of writing performed in a theatre, on the radio, or on television.
show , drama , performance
It's my favourite Shakespeare play.
The company put on a play about the homeless.
play around
If you play around, you behave in a silly way to amuse yourself or other people.
Stop playing around and eat!
There was no doubt he was serious, it wasn't just playing around.
If you play around with a problem or an arrangement of objects, you try different ways of organizing it in order to find the best solution or arrangement.
I can play around with the pictures in all sorts of ways to make them more eye-catching.
play at
If you say that someone is playing at something, you disapprove of the fact that they are doing it casually and not very seriously.
We were still playing at war – dropping leaflets instead of bombs.
If someone, especially a child, plays at being someone or doing something, they pretend to be that person or do that thing as a game.
Ed played at being a pirate.
If you do not know what someone is playing at, you do not understand what they are doing or what they are trying to achieve.
She began to wonder what he was playing at.
play back
When you play back a tape or film, you listen to the sounds or watch the pictures after recording them.
He bought an answering machine that plays back his messages when he calls.
Ted might benefit from hearing his own voice recorded and played back.
play down
If you play down something, you try to make people believe that it is not particularly important.
Western diplomats have played down the significance of the reports.
play on
If you play on someone's fears, weaknesses, or faults, you deliberately use them in order to persuade that person to do something, or to achieve what you want.
a campaign which plays on the population's fear of change.
play up
If you play up something, you emphasize it and try to make people believe that it is important.
The media played up the prospects for a settlement.
play a part , play a role
If something or someone plays a part or plays a role in a situation, they are involved in it and have an effect on it.
They played a part in the life of their community.
The UN would play a major role in monitoring a ceasefire.
come into play , be brought into play
When something comes into play or is brought into play, it begins to be used or to have an effect.
The real existence of a military option will come into play.
plays , playing , played
When children, animals, or adults play, they spend time doing enjoyable things, such as using toys and taking part in games.
invite the children over to play.
They played in the little garden.
When you play a sport, game, or match, you take part in it.
While the twins played cards, Leona sat reading.
I used to play basketball.
When one person or team plays another or plays against them, they compete against them in a sport or game.
Dallas will play Green Bay.
If you play a joke or a trick on someone, you deceive them or give them a surprise in a way that you think is funny, but that often causes problems for them or annoys them.
Someone had played a trick on her, stretched a piece of string at the top of those steps.
If you play with an object or with your hair, you keep moving it or touching it with your fingers, perhaps because you are bored or nervous.
She stared at the floor, idly playing with the strap of her handbag.
You can use play to describe how someone behaves, when they are deliberately behaving in a certain way or like a certain type of person. For example, to play the innocent means to pretend to be innocent, and to play deaf means to pretend not to hear something.
Hill tried to play the peacemaker.
She was just playing the devoted mother.
You can describe how someone deals with a situation by saying that they play it in a certain way. For example, if someone plays it cool, they keep calm and do not show much emotion, and if someone plays it straight, they behave in an honest and direct way.
Investors are playing it cautious, and they're playing it smart.
If you play a musical instrument or play a tune on a musical instrument, or if a musical instrument plays, music is produced from it.
Nina had been playing the piano.
He played for me.
If you play a record, a CD, or a DVD, you put it into a machine and sound and sometimes pictures are produced. If a record, CD, or DVD is playing, sound and sometimes pictures are being produced from it.
She played her records too loudly.
There is classical music playing in the background.
If a musician or group of musicians plays or plays a concert, they perform music for people to listen or dance to.
A band was playing.