Someone's keep is the cost of food and other things that they need in their daily life.
Ray will earn his keep on local farms while studying.
A keep is the main tower of a medieval castle, in which people lived.
the first stone-built castle keep in Britain.
keep down
If you keep the number, size, or amount of something down, you do not let it get bigger or go higher.
The prime aim is to keep inflation down.
If someone keeps a group of people down, they prevent them from getting power and status and being completely free.
hold down
No matter what a woman tries to do to improve her situation, there is some barrier or attitude to keep her down.
If you keep food or drink down, you manage to swallow it properly and not vomit, even though you feel sick.
I tried to give her something to drink but she couldn't keep it down.
keep on
Keep on means the same as keep.
Did he give up or keep on trying?
If you keep someone on, you continue to employ them, for example after other employees have lost their jobs.
They concluded that firing him would be more damaging than keeping him on.
keep to
If you keep to a rule, plan, or agreement, you do exactly what you are expected or supposed to do.
stick to
You've got to keep to the speed limit.
If you keep to something such as a path or river, you do not move away from it as you go somewhere.
stick to
Please keep to the paths.
If you keep to a particular subject, you talk only about that subject, and do not talk about anything else.
stick to
Let's keep to the subject, or you'll get me too confused.
If you keep something to a particular number or quantity, you limit it to that number or quantity.
Keep costs to a minimum.
keep up
If you keep up with someone or something that is moving near you, you move at the same speed.
He lengthened his stride to keep up with his father.
To keep up with something that is changing means to be able to cope with the change, usually by changing at the same rate.
The union called the strike to press for wage increases which keep up with inflation.
If you keep up with your work or with other people, you manage to do or understand all your work, or to do or understand it as well as other people.
Penny tended to work through her lunch hour in an effort to keep up with her work.
If you keep up with what is happening, you make sure that you know about it.
She did not bother to keep up with the news.
If you keep something up, you continue to do it or provide it.
I was so hungry all the time that I could not keep the diet up for longer than a month.
If you keep something up, you prevent it from growing less in amount, level, or degree.
The riders had to keep their pace up.
keep at it
If you keep at it, you continue doing something that you have started, even if you are tired and would prefer to stop.
It may take a number of attempts, but it is worth keeping at it.
keep going
If you keep going, you continue moving along or doing something that you have started, even if you are tired and would prefer to stop.
She forced herself to keep going.
in keeping , out of keeping
If one thing is in keeping with another, it is suitable in relation to that thing. If one thing is out of keeping with another, you mean that it is not suitable in relation to that thing.
This is not in keeping with our objective of representing the community.
keep it up
If you keep it up, you continue working or trying as hard as you have been in the past.
There are fears that he will not be able to keep it up when he gets to the particularly demanding third year.
keep something to yourself
If you keep something to yourself, you do not tell anyone else about it.
I have to tell someone. I can't keep it to myself.
keep to yourself
If you keep to yourself, you stay on your own most of the time and do not mix socially with other people.
He was a quiet man who always kept to himself.
keeps , keeping , kept
If someone keeps or is kept in a particular state, they remain in it.
The noise kept him awake.
People had to burn these trees to keep warm during harsh winters.
If you keep or you are kept in a particular position or place, you remain in it.
He kept his head down, hiding his features.
If you keep off something or keep away from it, you avoid it. If you keep out of something, you avoid getting involved in it.
I managed to stick to the diet and keep off sweet foods.
Keep away from the doors while the train is moving.
If you keep doing something, you do it repeatedly or continue to do it.
I keep forgetting it's December.
Keep is used with some nouns to indicate that someone does something for a period of time or continues to do it. For example, if you keep a grip on something, you continue to hold or control it.
Until last year, the regime kept a tight grip on the country.
If you keep something, you continue to have it in your possession and do not throw it away, give it away, or sell it.
We must decide what to keep and what to give away.
If you keep something in a particular place, you always have it or store it in that place so that you can use it whenever you need it.
She kept her money under the mattress.
When you keep something such as a promise or an appointment, you do what you said you would do.
I'm hoping you'll keep your promise to come for a long visit.
If you keep a record of a series of events, you write down details of it so that they can be referred to later.
Eleanor began to keep a diary.
If food keeps for a certain length of time, it stays fresh and suitable to eat for that time.
Whatever is left over may be put into the refrigerator, where it will keep for 2-3 weeks.
You can say or ask how someone is keeping as a way of saying or asking whether they are well.
She hasn't been keeping too well lately.
If someone or something keeps you from a particular action, they prevent you from doing it.
Embarrassment has kept me from doing all sorts of things.
If someone or something keeps you, they delay you and make you late.
Sorry to keep you, Jack.
If you keep something from someone, you do not tell them about it.
She knew that Gabriel was keeping something from her.
If you keep animals, you own them and take care of them.
I've brought you some eggs. We keep chickens.
If you keep yourself or keep someone else, you support yourself or the other person by earning enough money to provide food, clothing, money, and other necessary things.
She could just about afford to keep her five kids.
I just cannot afford to keep myself.