where do we go from here?
If someone says 'Where do we go from here?' they are asking what should be done next, usually because a problem has not been solved in a satisfactory way.
A go is an attempt at doing something.
I always wanted to have a go at football.
She won on her first go.
If it is your go in a game, it is your turn to do something, for example to play a card or move a piece.
Now whose go is it?
go about
The way you go about a task or problem is the way you approach it and deal with it.
I want him back, but I just don't know how to go about it.
When you are going about your normal activities, you are doing them.
We were simply going about our business when we were pounced upon by these police officers.
go after
If you go after something, you try to get it, catch it, or hit it.
We're not going after civilian targets.
go against
If a person or their behaviour goes against your wishes, beliefs, or expectations, their behaviour is the opposite of what you want, believe in, or expect.
Changes are being made here which go against my principles and I cannot agree with them.
If a decision, vote, or result goes against you, you do not get the decision, vote, or result that you wanted.
The mayor will resign if the vote goes against him.
go ahead
If someone goes ahead with something, they begin to do it or make it, especially after planning, promising, or asking permission to do it.
The board will vote today on whether to go ahead with the plan.
If a process or an organized event goes ahead, it takes place or is carried out.
The event will go ahead as planned in Chicago next summer.
go along with
If you go along with a rule, decision, or policy, you accept it and obey it.
Whatever the majority decided I was prepared to go along with.
If you go along with a person or an idea, you agree with them.
'I don't think a government has properly done it for about the past twenty-five years.'—'I'd go along with that.'
“我认为在过去的大约25年时间里,并没有一个政府妥善地处理过这个问题。” “我赞同这一观点。”
go around
If you go around to someone's house, you go to visit them at their house.
I asked them to go around to the house to see if they were there.
If you go around in a particular way, you behave or dress in that way, often as part of your normal life.
go about
I got in the habit of going around with bare feet.
If a piece of news or a joke is going around, it is being told by many people in the same period of time.
There's a nasty sort of rumour going around about it.
If there is enough of something to go around, there is enough of it to be shared among a group of people, or to do all the things for which it is needed.
Eventually we will not have enough water to go around.
go away
If you go away, you leave a place or a person's company.
I think we need to go away and think about this.
If you go away, you leave a place and spend a period of time somewhere else, especially as a holiday.
Why don't you and I go away this weekend?
go back on
If you go back on a promise or agreement, you do not do what you promised or agreed to do.
The budget crisis has forced the president to go back on his word.
go back to
If you go back to a task or activity, you start doing it again after you have stopped doing it for a period of time.
I now look forward to going back to work as soon as possible.
If you go back to a particular point in a lecture, discussion, or book, you start to consider or discuss it again.
Let me just go back to the point I was making.
go before
Something that has gone before has happened or been discussed at an earlier time.
This is a rejection of most of what has gone before.
To go before a judge, tribunal, or court of law means to be present there as part of an official or legal process.
The case went before Justice Henry on December 23 and was adjourned.
go by
If you say that time goes by, you mean that it passes.
go on
My grandmother was becoming more and more sad and frail as the years went by.
If you go by something, you use it as a basis for a judgment or action.
If they prove that I was wrong, then I'll go by what they say.
go down
If a price, level, or amount goes down, it becomes lower or less than it was.
Income from taxation went down.
Crime has gone down 70 per cent.
If you go down on your knees or on all fours, you lower your body until it is supported by your knees, or by your hands and knees.
get down
I went down on my knees and prayed for guidance.
If you say that a remark, idea, or type of behaviour goes down in a particular way, you mean that it gets a particular kind of reaction from a person or group of people.
Lawyers advised their clients that a neat appearance went down well with the judges.
When the sun goes down, it goes below the horizon.
the glow left in the sky after the sun has gone down.
If a ship goes down, it sinks. If a plane goes down, it crashes out of the sky.
Their aircraft went down during a training exercise.
If a computer goes down, it stops functioning temporarily.
The main computers went down for 30 minutes.
Something that is going down is happening.
go on
The patrol can detect if something is going down or is about to go down.
go for
If you go for a particular thing or way of doing something, you choose it.
People tried to persuade him to go for a more gradual reform programme.
If you go for someone, you attack them.
Pantieri went for him, gripping him by the throat.
If you say that a statement you have made about one person or thing also goes for another person or thing, you mean that the statement is also true of this other person or thing.
It is illegal to dishonour reservations; that goes for restaurants as well as customers.
If something goes for a particular price, it is sold for that amount.
Some old machines go for as much as 35,000 dollars.
go in
If the sun goes in, a cloud comes in front of it and it can no longer be seen.
The sun went in, and the breeze became cold.
go in for
If you go in for a particular activity, you decide to do it as a hobby or interest.
They go in for tennis and bowling.
go into
If you go into something, you describe or examine it fully or in detail.
It was a private conversation and I don't want to go into details about what was said.
If you go into something, you decide to do it as your job or career.
Mr Pok has now gone into the tourism business.
If an amount of time, effort, or money goes into something, it is spent or used to do it, get it, or make it.
Is there a lot of effort and money going into this sort of research?
go off
If an explosive device or a gun goes off, it explodes or fires.
A few minutes later the bomb went off, destroying the vehicle.
If an alarm bell goes off, it makes a sudden loud noise.
Then the fire alarm went off. I just grabbed my clothes and ran out.
If an electrical device goes off, it stops operating.
As the water came in the windows, all the lights went off.
go off with
If someone goes off with another person, they leave their husband, wife, or lover and have a relationship with that person.
I suppose Carolyn went off with some man she'd fallen in love with.
If someone goes off with something that belongs to another person, they leave and take it with them.
He's gone off with my passport.
go on
If you go on doing something, or go on with an activity, you continue to do it.
carry on
Unemployment is likely to go on rising this year.
I'm all right here. Go on with your work.
If something is going on, it is happening.
While this conversation was going on, I was listening with earnest attention.
If a process or institution goes on, it continues to happen or exist.
The population failed to understand the necessity for the war to go on.
If you say that a period of time goes on, you mean that it passes.
go by
Renewable energy will become progressively more important as time goes on.
If you go on to do something, you do it after you have done something else.
Alliss retired from golf in 1969 and went on to become a successful broadcaster.
If you go on to a place, you go to it from the place that you have reached.
He goes on to New Orleans tomorrow.
If you go on, you continue saying something or talking about something.
Meer cleared his throat several times before he went on.
If you go on about something, you continue talking about the same thing, often in an annoying way.
He's always going on about his son and daughter.
You say 'Go on' to someone to persuade or encourage them to do something.
Go on, it's fun.
If you talk about the information you have to go on, you mean the information you have available to base an opinion or judgment on.
But you have to go on the facts.
If an electrical device goes on, it begins operating.
come on
A light went on at seven every evening.
go out
If you go out, you leave your home in order to do something enjoyable, for example to go to a party, a bar, or the cinema.
I'm going out tonight.
If you go out with someone, the two of you spend time together socially, and have a romantic or sexual relationship.
I once went out with a French man.
If you go out to do something, you make a deliberate effort to do it.
You do not go out to injure opponents.
If a light goes out, it stops shining.
The bedroom light went out after a moment.
If something that is burning goes out, it stops burning.
The fire seemed to be going out.
If a message goes out, it is announced, published, or sent out to people.
Word went out that a column of tanks was on its way.
When the tide goes out, the water in the sea gradually moves back to a lower level.
The tide was going out.
go over
If you go over a document, incident, or problem, you examine, discuss, or think about it very carefully.
I won't know how successful it is until an accountant has gone over the books.
go through
If you go through an experience or a period of time, especially an unpleasant or difficult one, you experience it.
He was going through a very difficult time.
If you go through a lot of things such as papers or clothes, you look at them, usually in order to sort them into groups or to search for a particular item.
It was evident that someone had gone through my possessions.
If you go through a list, story, or plan, you read or check it from beginning to end.
Going through his list of customers is a massive job.
If a law, agreement, or official decision goes through, it is approved by a legislature or committee.
get through
The bill might have gone through if the economy was growing.
go through with
If you go through with an action you have decided on, you do it, even though it may be very unpleasant or difficult for you.
Richard pleaded for Belinda to reconsider and not to go through with the divorce.
go under
If a business or project goes under, it becomes unable to continue in operation or in existence.
If one firm goes under it could provoke a cascade of bankruptcies.
go up
When a building, wall, or other structure goes up, it is built or fixed in place.
He noticed a new building going up near Whitaker Park.
If something goes up, it explodes or starts to burn, usually suddenly and with great intensity.
The hotel went up in flames.
If a shout or cheer goes up, it is made by a lot of people together.
A cheer went up from the other passengers.
go with
If one thing goes with another thing, the two things officially belong together, so that if you get one, you also get the other.
the lucrative $250,000 salary that goes with the job.
If one thing goes with another thing, it is usually found or experienced together with the other thing.
For many women, the status which goes with being a wife is important.
go without
If you go without something that you need or usually have or do, you do not get it or do it.
I have known what it is like to go without food for days.
as you go along
If you do something as you go along, you do it while you are doing another thing, without preparing it beforehand.
Learning how to become a parent takes time. It's a skill you learn as you go along.
to go
If you say that there are a particular number of things to go, you mean that they still remain to be dealt with.
I still had another five operations to go.
If you say that there is a certain amount of time to go, you mean that there is that amount of time left before something happens or ends.
There is a week to go until the elections.
If you are in a café or restaurant and ask for an item of food to go, you mean that you want to take it with you and not eat it there.
large fries to go.
my heart goes out to someone , my sympathy goes out to someone , my thoughts go out to someone
You can say 'My heart goes out to him' or 'My sympathy goes out to her' to express the strong sympathy you have for someone in a difficult or unpleasant situation.
My heart goes out to Mrs Adams and her fatherless children.
make a go of something
If you say that someone is making a go of something such as a business or relationship, you mean that they are having some success with it.
I knew we could make a go of it and be happy.
on the go
If you say that someone is always on the go, you mean that they are always busy and active.
I got a new job this year where I am on the go all the time.
goes , going , went , gone
When you go somewhere, you move or travel there.
We went to Rome.
I went home for the weekend.
It took us an hour to go three miles.
When you go, you leave the place where you are.
Let's go.
You use go to say that someone leaves the place where they are and does an activity, often a leisure activity.
We went swimming very early.
Maybe they've just gone shopping.
He went for a walk.
When you go and do something, you move to a place in order to do it and you do it.
I have to go and see the doctor.
I finished my beer, then went and got another.
If you go to school, work, or church, you attend it regularly as part of your normal life.
She will have to go to school.
When you say where a road or path goes, you are saying where it begins or ends, or what places it is in.
There's a mountain road that goes from Blairstown to Millbrook Village.
You can use go with words like 'further' and 'beyond' to show the degree or extent of something.
The governor went further by agreeing that all policy announcements should be made first in the House.
If you say that a period of time goes quickly or slowly, you mean that it seems to pass quickly or slowly.
The weeks go so quickly!
If you say where money goes, you are saying what it is spent on.
Most of my money goes towards paying the bills.
If you say that something goes to someone, you mean that it is given to them.
A lot of credit must go to the chairman and his father.
If someone goes on television or radio, they take part in a television or radio programme.
The president has gone on television to defend stringent new security measures.
If something goes, someone gets rid of it.
Exactly how many jobs will go remains unclear.
If someone goes, they leave their job, usually because they are forced to.
He had made a humiliating tactical error and he had to go.
If something goes into something else, it is put in it as one of the parts or elements that form it.
the really interesting ingredients that go into the dishes that we all love to eat.
If something goes in a particular place, it belongs there or should be put there, because that is where you normally keep it.
The shoes go on the shoe shelf.
If you say that one number goes into another number a particular number of times, you are dividing the second number by the first.
Six goes into thirty five times.
If one of a person's senses, such as their sight or hearing, is going, it is getting weak and they may soon lose it completely.
His eyes are going; he says he has glaucoma.
If something such as a light bulb or a part of an engine is going, it is no longer working properly and will soon need to be replaced.
I thought it looked as though the battery was going.
You can use go to say that a person or thing changes to another state or condition. For example, if someone goes crazy, they become crazy, and if something goes bad, it deteriorates.
I'm going bald.
Sometimes food goes bad, but people don't know it, so they eat it anyway and then they get ill.
You use go to talk about the way something happens. For example, if an event or situation goes well, it is successful.
She says everything is going smoothly.
If a machine or device is going, it is working.
What about my copier? Can you get it going again?
If something goes with something else, or if two things go together, they look or taste good together.
I was searching for a pair of grey gloves to go with my new gown.
I can see that some colours go together and some don't.
You use go to introduce something you are quoting. For example, you say the story goes or the argument goes just before you quote all or part of it.
The story goes that she went home with him that night.
The story goes like this.
You use go when indicating that something makes or produces a sound. For example, if you say that something goes 'bang', you mean it produces the sound 'bang'.
She stopped in front of a painting of a dog and she started going 'woof woof'.
You can use go instead of 'say' when you are quoting what someone has said or what you think they will say.
He goes to me: 'Oh, what do you want?'