fill in
Fill in means the same as fill.
Start by filling in any cracks and gaps between window and door frames and the wall.
If you fill in a form or other document requesting information, you write information in the spaces on it.
fill out
Fill in the coupon and send it first class to the address shown.
If you fill in a shape, you cover the area inside the lines with colour or shapes so that none of the background is showing.
With a lip pencil, outline lips and fill them in.
If you fill someone in, you give them more details about something that you know about.
He filled her in on Wilbur Kantor's visit.
If you fill in for someone, you do the work or task that they normally do because they are unable to do it.
stand in
Vice-presidents' wives would fill in for first ladies.
fill out
If you fill out a form or other document requesting information, you write information in the spaces on it.
fill in
Fill out the application carefully, and keep copies of it.
If someone or something fills out, they become fuller, thicker, or rounder.
A girl may fill out before she reaches her full height.
fill up
Fill up means the same as fill.
Warehouses at the frontier between the two countries fill up with sacks of rice and flour.
Fill up means the same as fill.
the complicated machines that fill up today's laboratories.
Fill up means the same as fill.
On Thursday night she went to her yoga class, glad to have something to fill up the evening.
If you fill up or fill yourself up with food, you eat so much that you do not feel hungry.
Fill up on potatoes, bread and pasta, which are high in carbohydrate and low in fat.
A type of food that fills you up makes you feel that you have eaten a lot, even though you have only eaten a small amount.
Potatoes fill us up without overloading us with calories.
fills , filling , filled
If you fill a container or area, or if it fills, an amount of something enters it that is enough to make it full.
She went to the bathroom, filled a glass with water, returned to the bed.
The boy's eyes filled with tears.
If something fills a space, it is so big, or there are such large quantities of it, that there is very little room left.
He cast his eyes at the rows of cabinets that filled the enormous work area.
If you fill a crack or hole, you put a substance into it in order to make the surface smooth again.
Fill small holes with wood filler in a matching colour.
If a sound, smell, or light fills a space, or the air, it is very strong or noticeable.
In the school car park, the siren filled the air.
If something fills you with an emotion, or if an emotion fills you, you experience this emotion strongly.
I admired my father, and his work filled me with awe and curiosity.
If you fill a period of time with a particular activity, you spend the time in this way.
If she wants a routine to fill her day, let her do community work.
If something fills a need or a gap, it puts an end to this need or gap by existing or being active.
She brought him a sense of fun, of gaiety that filled a gap in his life.
If something fills a role, position, or function, they have that role or position, or perform that function, often successfully.
Dena was filling the role of diplomat's wife with the skill she had learned over the years.
If a company or organization fills a job vacancy, they choose someone to do the job. If someone fills a job vacancy, they accept a job that they have been offered.
A vacancy has arisen which I intend to fill.
When a dentist fills someone's tooth, he or she puts a filling in it.
Dentists fill teeth and repair broken ones.