A dish is a shallow container with a wide uncovered top. You eat and serve food from dishes and cook food in them.
plastic bowls and dishes.
Food that is prepared in a particular style or combination can be referred to as a dish.
There are plenty of vegetarian dishes to choose from.
You can use dish to refer to anything that is round and hollow in shape with a wide uncovered top.
a dish used to receive satellite broadcasts.
All the objects that have been used to cook, serve, and eat a meal can be referred to as the dishes.
He'd cooked dinner and washed the dishes.
dishes , dishing , dished
dish out
If you dish out something, you distribute it among a number of people.
Doctors, not pharmacists, are responsible for dishing out drugs.
If someone dishes out criticism or punishment, they give it to someone.
dish up
Do you usually dish out criticism to someone who's doing you a favour?
If you dish out food, you serve it to people at the beginning of each course of a meal.
Here the cooks dish out sweet and sour pork.
dish up
If you dish up food, you serve it.
They dished up a superb meal.
do the dishes
If you do the dishes, you wash the dishes.
I hate doing the dishes.