A crown is a circular ornament, usually made of gold and jewels, which a king or queen wears on their head at official ceremonies. You can also use crown to refer to anything circular that is worn on someone's head.
a crown of flowers.
Your crown is the top part of your head, at the back.
He laid his hand gently on the crown of her head.
A crown is an artificial top piece fixed over a broken or decayed tooth.
How long does it take to have crowns fitted?
The government of a country that has a king or queen is sometimes referred to as the Crown.
She says the sovereignty of the Crown must be preserved.
a minister of the Crown.
crowns , crowning , crowned
When a king or queen is crowned, a crown is placed on their head as part of a ceremony in which they are officially made king or queen.
Two days later, Juan Carlos was crowned king.