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2024.04.22 17:47



Some people think that development of technology helps to reduce crime, while others think that it encourages crime. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

建议思路:科技的发展(Technological advancement)是减少犯罪还是有助于犯罪,双边讨论。


1. 监控技术(Surveillance technology)的革新。现代监控技术如闭路电视(CCTV)和无人机(Drone)可以帮助警方更有效地预防(Prevent)和侦破(Investigate)犯罪。在如此强大的监控环境下,潜在的罪犯就放弃了犯罪的想法。

2. 信息处理(Information processing)方面能够帮助警方快速破案。例如大数据(big data)的筛选和生物识别技术(Biometric technology),可以帮助预测(Predict)犯罪行为,从而提前采取预防措施。在搜索逃犯时,指纹和面部识别(Facial recognition)能帮助追踪罪犯。

3. 科技有助于提升网络安全(Cybersecurity)。技术可以帮助提高网络安全,通过过滤有害信息,追踪黑客等手段帮助营造安全的网络环境。


1. 网络犯罪(Cybercrime)的频率会提升。技术的发展使得网络犯罪如黑客攻击(Hacking)、网络诈骗(Online fraud)等更加普遍,且不易察觉。如不能得到及时的发现和控制,普通人的权益很容易就收到侵害(infringe rights)。

2. 增加了隐私(Privacy)被侵犯的风险。技术的发展可能导致个人隐私被侵犯(Invasion of privacy),如非法监听(Illegal eavesdropping)、非法获取个人信息等。

3. 高科技犯罪(High-tech crime)率会提升。一些罪犯可能利用高科技手段进行犯罪,如使用无人机进行偷窃或攻击。

我觉得政府和个人都应该采取一些方法来防止高科技犯罪。政府应该加强对网络犯罪和隐私安全(Privacy security)的技术升级,保障居民(Residents)的基本利益,降低犯罪成功率。而个人也应该提升防范意识(Awareness of prevention)和防止网络诈骗,不轻易点开链接以及轻信陌生人,从而使潜在的罪犯没有犯罪机会(Opportunity for crime)。


Technological advancements have had a profound impact on crime prevention and detection. Some argue that the development of technology has significantly contributed to reducing crime rates, while others think that it has boosted criminal activities. In this essay, I would discuss both views and give my own opinion at last. 

On one hand, technology has undoubtedly played a crucial role in reducing crime. Surveillance technologies, such as CCTV cameras and drones, have enabled police to monitor public spaces effectively by preventing potential criminals and aiding in the investigation. Moreover, innovations in information processing, such as big data analysis and biometric technology, have enhanced predictive policing, allowing governments to anticipate and prevent crimes before they occur. For example, fingerprint and facial recognition technologies have proven instrumental in tracking down criminals and locating missing persons.

However, the development of technology has also created new avenues for criminal activities. Cybercrime, in particular, has become more prevalent with the rise of technology. Hacking, online fraud, and other forms of cybercrime pose significant challenges to police officers and individuals alike. Furthermore, the increased reliance on digital platforms for communication and financial transactions has made individuals more vulnerable to privacy breaches and identity theft. There are reports showing that private information of individuals can be easily detected and used by criminals since people are more likely to share their everyday lives on social media.

To address these challenges, governments and individuals must take measures. Governments should invest in cybersecurity measures and regularly update their technology to protect citizens from cyber threats. Moreover, individuals should enhance their awareness of cyber risks and exercise caution when sharing personal information online.

In conclusion, while technological advancements have undoubtedly improved crime prevention and detection efforts, they have also created new challenges. By implementing effective cybersecurity measures and promoting awareness of online crime among citizens, we can enjoy the benefits of technology while mitigating its potential risks in combating crime.




