2024.02.27 16:50
想知道2024年3月雅思考试可能会考哪些内容吗?新东方在线在线雅思整理了2024年3月雅思考试重点题,包括听力、阅读、写作、口语考试题型,今天带来的是2024年3月雅思考试听力重点题Part 4,希望对大家的雅思考试有所帮助。
不同国家教室的建筑材料的不同 V230318
Building materials for classrooms in different countries
场景:学术讲座 独白
31-40) Completions
India schools
31. built into actually a centre of learning, but not a factory
32. there is a great amount of light/sunlight
33. special feature: the good window view from the classroom
34. wood (原文:建造现代的建筑)
35. mainstream attitudes: flexible
36. special: social need of student (原文:not educational but social)
37. bases resource and a kitchen (原文:建造一个厨房和让学生好好学习的环境)
British schools
38. comparison it to a village
39. The roof was made of a grass (原文 energy collected from the roof)
40. water on the roof was collected and recycled (原文:roof 上的设施可以收集水循环利用 self-sustaining)
建筑与气候的关系 V221105
The relationship between architecture and climate
场景:学术讲座 独白
31-40) completion
31. Investigated places around both in rural area and in cities
32. Receiving funds from a city bank(funded by)获得 insurance companies
33. People found the skyscrapers had slower levels of acid-damaging pollutants and atmosphere pollution
34. The influence of dry and humidity on buildings in recent years. Alert project focus on buildings made of stone/concrete
In the past, destroying stone houses, at present destroying concrete houses 短语 stone building 后面有提到一个concrete.
35. Glasses used to reduce pollution in skyscraper buildings
36. Reasons for influencing building: -affected by the increased rainfall -Not because the temperature increased-but
because the increase of rainfall
37. Humidity affects constructions made of wood-dry...
38. The archaeologists are worried because soil that protects the foundation of buildings
39. Architects monitor the evidence of movement of buildings.-Other Activities
40. The government should organize guidelines for architects.
介绍关于机器人的发展和研究 V08423
Introduction to the development and research of robots
场景:学术讲座 独白
31-36) completion
37-40) completion
37. it has great computing power
38. the highest sale is robot toys
39. they look like animals
40. to organize robotic design competitions; not strong and small enough
鸟类的观察和保护 V13428
Bird observation and conservation
场景:学术讲座 独白
31-40) Completion
31. birds which are protected in cities
32. method we need to estimate rather than counts
33. methodology: mapping for tunnel, calls
34. decide the trends for a time
35. activities: a disadvantage to birds, eg. pollution
36. help they, increase the rate of survival
37. monitor the frequency of bird callings during flight
38. take recordings of their sound to listen to
39. noisy devices being put in monitoring over a great distance
40. reduce damage caused by wind farm