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[雅思考前必刷]2024年3月雅思考试听力重点题Part 1

2024.02.27 16:30

想知道2024年3月雅思考试可能会考哪些内容吗?新东方在线在线雅思整理了2024年3月雅思考试重点题,包括听力、阅读、写作、口语考试题型,今天带来的是2024年3月雅思考试听力重点题Part 1,希望对大家的雅思考试有所帮助。

2024年3月雅思考试听力考前必刷题—Part 1

男士向一位女性咨询北新西兰的旅游信息 V221210

North New Zealand tourist information

场景:旅游咨询 对话

概述:男士计划进行团体旅行,最长停留 13 天,选择 11 月份出行。他选择了"The Adventure"旅行社,无



1. tour types: group trip

2. maximum days stay: 13

3. month: November

4. address: 4060 Liberty

5. chose the A Tour agency of the Adventure

6. on not need: No visa required

7. choose a journey for: mountain/flight

8. tour sail they can see: dolphins/whales

9. offer free pick at the airport to hotel

10. extra travel please inform in: at the end/beginning

关于一位女士在书店求职的对话 V07105

A conversation about a woman applying for a job in a bookstore

场景:求职应聘 对话


儿所和酒店的工作经验。对于工作时间的匹配,她可以在周末和假日工作,但晚上 7 点后不


1-3) Completion

1. current address: 32 Acacia Avenue

2. Postcode: RA67BU/AR87BU

3. current course of the degree: photography

4-6) Table completion

work experience

where Position

First job a 4. Flower shop Sale assistant

Second job company a 5. Nursery supervisor

Third job Hotel 6. waitress

7-10) Matching

A definitely available

B possibly

C definitely unavailable

7. work on weekends ------ A

8. work after 7pm ------C

9. work on holidays ------ A

10. work during lunch time ------ B

房车租用旅行 V15127

Motorhome travel

场景:旅游咨询 对话

概述:租用房车需要支付 460 英镑的押金,可以免费添加额外驾驶员,国际驾照可接受。房


以选择租用发电机。取车站点位于 GRATELEY。

1-10) Completion

1. deposit £ 460

2. No charge for an extra driver

3. it is OK with an international driving license

4. only have manual gear

5. customer's pets are allowed

6. kitchen facilities including a fridge

7. a television added

8. provided a bicycle rack

9. you can hire a generator

10. station to get your van: GRATELEY

社区新移民咨询 V10140

Consultation for new immigrants in the community

场景:移民咨询 对话

概述:新移民需要满足一定条件才能获得特殊待遇,如医生批准、年收入低于 2500 美元、是社区居



1-10) Completion

1. exceptions can be made if your doctor gets permission

2. who have a yearly income under $2500

3. be a resident of the community

4. must be entrained age (yet not a senior)

5. have a job that is permanent

6. for those who have no insurance

7. should provide identification showing your address

8. have to submit your document from a bank to check

9. you are up to date with your tax

10. telephone: 18663878392

租房场景 V41008

A conversation about renting a house

场景:租房咨询 对话


市、公园和小学。租金包括花园的维护。房屋将于 4 月 21 日空出,可在 4 月 23 日入住。最后约定的时间

是上午 10 点 15 分。地址位于 Spring 街。

1-10) Completion

1. There is a small swimming pool

2. room

3. Single parking space garage

Facilities around the house

4. There is a supermarket nearby

5. Park

6. There is a primary school

7. The rent includes the maintenance of gardens

8. House will be emptied on 21st, but the house will be available on23rd April

9. The last time they agreed was at 10.15 am

10. Address is: Spring Street





