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2024年1月雅思口语题part1:Musical instruments答案

2024.01.15 13:57



2024年1月雅思口语题part1:Musical instruments答案

Part 1

Musical instrument

1. Do you know how to play a musical instrument?

Yes, I can play the piano. I started learning it when I was a child, and I still play it occasionally for relaxation. I wouldn't say I was particularly good at the piano, but I do enjoy playing from time to time. Come to think of it, I really should get back into it properly and try to improve.

2. Do you think students should learn to play musical instruments in school?

Absolutely, learning musical instruments at school is very beneficial. It nurtures creativity and discipline in students and can also be a lifelong skill. I think that creative arts, performance arts and music are quite important for children and adults, alike, and can really foster an innovative mindset and a sensitive soul.

3. Have you taken any classes on musical instruments in school?

Yes, I received piano lessons in school, which helped me develop my musical abilities. I also started to learn an instrument called the pi pa, but I was very bad at it, and to be honest, I've never really liked that instrument, but I did have a few lessons in school.

4. Which musical instrument do you like?

Among musical instruments, I have a special affinity for the violin due to its melodic and expressive qualities. I actually have never really played it, or had lessons, but I love listening to violin music, and cello music, come to think of it, and I find baroque music like J.S. Bach, deeply moving and inspirational.

5. How easy would it be to learn to play a musical instrument without a teacher?

Learning a musical instrument without a teacher can be challenging, but with online resources and dedication, progress can certainly be made, though it really requires a certain persistence and passion to learn properly from online lessons and videos. I, personally, would prefer a real teacher.

以上就是新东方在线雅思教研中心大家整理的2024年1月雅思口语题part1: Musical instruments答案,希望为参加雅思口语考试的考生们提供参考价值。




