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2024年1月雅思口语新题part1:Crowded places答案

2024.01.09 11:22


2024年1月雅思口语新题part1:Crowded places答案

Part 1

Crowded places

1 Is the city where you live crowded?

The city I reside in is consistently buzzing with activity, and there are lots of crowded areas. Some areas are crowded in a way that really bugs me – like subway stations and malls. But there are also some cool crowded places like clubs and restaurants, which have a good atmosphere when busy. 

2 Is there a crowded place near where you live?

Generally speaking my area of the city is relatively quiet, but there's a lively market near my home that's always bustling with people, and if you’re in the right mood the energy there is contagious and optimistic. 

3 Do you like crowded places?

Crowded places evoke mixed feelings in me. While they offer a vibrant atmosphere, the hustle and bustle can be overwhelming, especially when you’re in a rush, busy or trying to get from one place to another by public transport hubs. 

4 When was the last time you were in a crowded place?

I recently found myself in a bustling place during a local festival, enjoying the lively atmosphere and diverse activities. It was a temple fair – and they are always more exciting when they’re busy. 

以上就是新东方在线雅思教研中心大家整理的2024年1月雅思口语新题part1: Crowded places答案,希望为参加雅思口语考试的考生们提供参考价值。




